He shrugged. "I dunno… Maybe my dad will finally fucking pay attention to my life enough to realize something's wrong? Or I'll die. Either will get my point across."
He shrugged. "I dunno… Maybe my dad will finally fucking pay attention to my life enough to realize something's wrong? Or I'll die. Either will get my point across."
“You’ll really just let yourself die for him?” Nick asked, biting his lip. This was a stupid time to cry; he would not let himself cry. “What about the people who care about you?” He knew he probably sounded selfish.
Cas looked away, tears stinging his eyes. "H-He probably wouldn't have noticed I was gone for a long while if it weren't for the note. He doesn't care about me at all. The only reason he even bothered to get me back was because I'm the only heir."
Nick didn’t know what to say to that, so he simply crawled over the Cas and wrapped his arms around him. “I’m sorry…”
Cas hiccuped weakly, just letting Nick hold him. "I d… I d-don't wanna be here anymore… whether 'here' means here physically or if it means life, I… I honestly don't know…"
“What if I could get you out of here?” Nick asked him, hopefully. Cas’s anguish hurt Nick to witness, and he didn’t want Cas to continue slowly dying because he didn’t eat.
"Can you?" He asked quietly, his voice cracking and breaking as it faded. It seemed that he hadn't been drinking much of anything either.
“I’ll find a way,” Nick replied, sounding more sure than he felt. He would do everything he could, even if he meant carrying Cas back down the wall on his shoulders.
"Thanks, love…" Cas whispered weakly, huddling close to Nick. He was too disoriented to even consider how Nick had gotten up in the first place.
Ideas flashed through Nick’s mind. Maybe Jane could cause a diversion and Nick could sneak in and save Cas. It was just like his stories. No, he couldn’t get carried away. This wasn’t a story. He had to be careful.
Cas was slowly starting to lose consciousness, and gradually grew weaker in Nick's arms. Nix came over from where he'd been hiding under the bed and nudged Cas's pale hand.
This is not good, very not good, Nick thought to himself. I wish there was a way I could let Jane know about this so she could help. He looked out the window and there she was, his kid sister. Had she followed him? Jane was standing on the ground, and glared at Nick when she noticed him. Okay….but he still needed a plan.
Cas had his eyes closed by now, and his stomach growled weakly again. It seemed like even his body was giving up hope. While he could survive a while longer without food, with his lifestyle, he felt absolutely awful and incredibly weak.
Nick glanced at Cas's bed, and something in his brain clicked. If he ripped up the bed sheets and tied them together like a rope, then he could climb down more easily, allowing him to carry Cas (thankfully, he was light). Jane could catch him if need be. Once Nick was satisfied with his plan, he quickly got to work knotting the sheets. He threw his rope out the window to test it. Barely long enough. Nick breathed out a quick sigh of relief before turning to Cas. "Can you hold onto me if I give you a piggy back?" he asked, hoping that the other boy was awake. A piggy back would the easiest option for Nick, as it left his hands free, but he supposed he could carry Cas. It was more risky, but leaving Cas alone to die was not an option.
"Mm… I… I think so." When he was allowed, Cas climbed onto Nick's back and held as tight to him as he could in this condition. "I'll try my best to hold on, love…" He lay his head on Nick's shoulder, clearly having very little energy, but hopefully enough to let him hold on until they got to the ground.
Nick nodded. "I'll do my best to get you down quickly," Nick added, before climbing out the window and taking hold of the makeshift rope. He hurried down as fast as he could, trying not to look at Jane as her face filled with alarm.
Cas glanced up at Jane weakly once they managed to get to the ground. He was trembling, and he honestly didn't look like he could hold on much longer. He looked around at the food he'd thrown out, all in varying stages of decay.
"What in the world is going on here?" Jane demanded the boys, hands on her hips. "Cas, have you been starving yourself?"
"Jane, we can argue later, right now we need to get Cas inside and get him some food," Nick responded. "Cas, you can let go, Jane will catch you. Then we can carry you home."
Cas whimpered quietly and held tighter to Nick, clearly not wanting to let go. He was honestly a little surprised at the sheer amount of food he'd thrown out. He didn't notice in the moment.
“Okay, I guess I’ll just carry you home on my back,” Nick said, beginning to walk. Jane tugged the rope down, tearing off the end that Nick had tied at the top, and hopefully hiding the evidence somewhat. She hid pieces of the rope before following the others.
Cas relaxed a little when Nick helped to support some of his weight. Though he didn't weigh much, he wasn't currently strong enough to hold up his weight for long. He just hoped they would arrive soon…
Thankfully, they got there soon enough, and Nick hurried into his room through a side entrance, all but collapsing onto his bed. His back ached , but he didn't want to say anything and make Cas feel bad.
"I guess I'll go get some food," Jane sighed, leaving. She shot an annoyed look at her brother before closing the door, however.
Cas curled up against Nick and buried his face in the other's chest, crying softly. "I-I'm sorry… I… I'm s-so sorry…" He choked on his words, still shaking and anxious. He kept apologizing over and over again.
Nick held him close, his heart breaking with every apology. "It's okay, Cas," Nick said, trying to soothe him. "I've got you now, and you'll be alright."
Cas hiccuped and drew in a few shaky breaths. "Are… are you sure? W-What if my dad k… k-kills you for taking me?"
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