“I can’t burn myself, see?” Nick asked, hearing the thing about immunity but also wanting to show off. He aimed for his hair, orange flames licking it and then dying down. His hair looked exactly the same as it had moments earlier. “But I’ll be more careful.”
Cas seemed intrigued, but still wary. "Cool. I think I'm like, cold resistant but not immune…" He mused aloud, looking down at his free hand.
“That’s still pretty cool,” Nick replied, with a snicker. “Anyway, is there anywhere you want to go? There’s supposed to be a really nice lake not too far from town.”
"Sure. I'm gonna ignore the pun, too." Cas let Sorin drag him along while he focused on keeping his hood up. He couldn't risk being recognized.
“Why would you ignore the pun? It was a great pun,” Nick complained, pretending to be offended. He went in the general direction he thought the lake was in.
Cas rolled his eyes. "Do you even know where you're going? We're gonna get lost."
“We are not,” Nick defended. “Okay…maybe I don’t know where we’re going. But we can find it!” I think… he added mentally.
Cas sighed. "You better not get us lost. We can't exactly just go and ask for directions."
“You trust me, don’t you?” he teased, leading Cas down another alleyway, nearing the outskirts of town. He grinned.
"Should I?" Cas raised an eyebrow, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You don't seem to know where you're going much more than I do."
“I have a good sense of direction,” Nick countered with a smile of his own. “And I know the general location.”
"Alright, alright, I'll trust you…" Cas kept looking around warily as they walked.
Nick beamed, his whole face lighting up. “Great!” he turned another corner. He was sure they were close now.
Cas was glad he'd worn unassuming clothes, which meant he wasn't identified. If his hood weren't on, though, he would be caught immediately.
After another few minutes of walking, the lake came into view. “See! I told you I knew where it was!” he exclaimed, though he was clearly relieved they had found it.
"Good job, but don't pretend you aren't a little bit surprised that you got us here." Cas looked around to make sure they were alone before taking off his hood with a soft sigh.
Nick sighed. “Okay, fine, so maybe I’m not all that great with directions but we made it and that’s what counts. Isn’t it a nice view?”
Cas nodded, sitting beside the lake. His cloak folded messily behind him on the grass as he dipped his fingers in the water.
Nick sat next to him, glancing at the other boy. The soft daylight made his hair seem to shine like a new penny, and Nick was a bit mesmerized.
Cas glanced over at Nick and blushed a bit when he caught his gaze. "Um… h-hey." He said quietly, smiling a bit.
Nick blushed as well, slightly embarrassed to be caught staring. “Hey,” he muttered, smiling shyly.
Cas hesitated before leaning towards Nick and kissing him softly. "That what you want?"
Nick blushed deeper, looking into Cas’s eyes. “Well it’s certainly not what I didn’t want,” he mumbled. He tended to make less sense than usual when he was nervous.
Cas smiled a bit and kissed him again, closing his eyes. He shifted a bit closer to Nick so they were both more comfortable.
Nick kissed him back, this time cupping Cas’s face with his hands and leaning in. The butterflies in his stomach were becoming a bit rabid.