forum An angsty gay fantasy rp! (O/O)
Started by @MusicElle-is-here

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"Well, you know I've gotta go back sometime… I can't exactly stay here forever." Cas shrugged, though he looked a bit nervous still.


Nick wished that Cas could stay there forever. “Yeah, but what if he hurts you when you come back?” he asked quietly, not wanting to upset Cas but he also really didn’t want him getting hurt.


“But I can’t just stand by and let him hurt you,” Nick shot back. “It’s not okay.” Watching Cas like that twice was bad enough, and Nick wasn’t sure if he could do it two, three, four more times.


Cas lingered a moment with his face hidden before he looked up at Nick. The other bit was a good bit taller than him, which was a strange thing to experience up close. He was used to being shorter than people, of course.


“How are you feeling?” Nick asked, hoping Cas was doing even a tiny bit better. He didn’t have the nerve to ask if he wanted to kiss, especially after talking about Cas’s dad.


"I'm okay now that you're back." Cas hummed, seeming calm enough. His eyes surveyed Nick's face with vague curiosity.


Those few words made Nick feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He definitely fell for people too fast, he decided. This was going to be a problem if Cas was going to be staying with him. “I’m glad.” Nick looked back at Cas, eyes lingering on his lips for a few moments longer than necessary before he managed to move his gaze to Cas’s eyes again.