Cas woke up in the morning cuddling with Nick. He blushed bright red, but made no attempt to move.
Cas woke up in the morning cuddling with Nick. He blushed bright red, but made no attempt to move.
Nick yawned, waking up slowly. At first he didn’t notice anything, then he realized that he was definitely spooning Cas. How…? “Morning,” he croaked, not moving, though he could feel himself blushing as well.
"M-Morning…" Cas responded, his voice cracking a bit. Nix was curled up against Cas's belly as well.
“Not that I’m complaining, but how did you get from the couch to here?” Nick asked, glancing back at the couch. It wasn’t that far, but still.
"I don't really remember… I just remember being really tired, and I vaguely recall coming over thing. Next thing I knew, I woke up here." Cas mumbled, huddling more into the blankets for warmth.
“Oh, cool,” Nick muttered, still only half-awake. “This actually isn’t half bad.” He smiled sleepily.
"Mmm…" Cas mumbled his assent, but was a bit too afraid to try and move any closer, so he stayed where he was.
Nick shifted a little, causing him to get closer to Cas. “I don’t want to actually get up…” he mumbled. “I’m still so tired.”
"Mhmm…" Cas hesitantly leaned back against Nick so he was being spooned. He'd never done this before, but god it felt nice…
Nick closed his eyes and sighed with contentment, not realizing that he had done that. It felt so natural to hold Cas like this, and he knew he’d be reluctant when it was time to actually get up and do something else.
Cas relaxed when Nick didn't try to throw him off or anything, soon dozing back off in Nick's arms.
Nick smiled lazily when he noticed Cas was asleep again. He wished that this could happen more often. He wondered, not for the first time, what it would be like to be dating Cas, but he shook it off. He’s probably just cold, he told himself. This doesn’t mean he actually likes me as more than a friend.
(Cas: literally gets up in the middle of the night to cuddle
Nick: No homo right haha)
Cas turned around in his sleep and huddled closer to Nick, twining their legs together and tucking his head under Nick's chin.
Nick held Cas tighter to him, embracing him as he drifted slowly back to sleep as well. I definitely have a thing for Cas, he realized as he fell asleep.
Cas was still asleep when Nick awoke again, very close and comfortable. His breathing was soft and even.
Nick smiled softly before wondering what time it was. He reluctantly got out of bed and looked at his clock, realizing that his father expected him in less than an hour. He wanted Nick to be with him as he met with some diplomat or duke or something.
Cas whined when Nick moved, shivering. Nix was curled up on his other side, but the cat wasn't really big enough to keep Cas warm.
Nick glanced back the bed with a small sigh. He quickly got dressed and ready before looking at the clock again. He quickly penned a note, explaining where he had gone and when he would be back, to Cas and set it on the nightstand next to his bed. Then, with a strange longing to stay and do nothing with Cas all day, he left.
Cas woke up about an hour and saw he was alone. He sat up sharply, beginning to panic, and Nix quickly crawled into his lap. Cas spotted the note and scanned it, feeling a little reassured, but no less anxious.
A few minutes later, Nick came back, bringing some food with him. He noticed that Cas was awake. “I’m sorry I had to leave, but if I didn’t my dad would come here looking for me,” he explained, hoping that Cas wasn’t too upset.
Cas just got up and hugged Nick without a word, trembling slightly. He buried his face in the other's chest.
Nick glanced at him, a bit stunned. He quickly reached over and set the food down on the nearest piece of furniture and hugged Cas back. “I’m really sorry for leaving,” he apologized again.
"It's okay…" Cas whispered, hugging him tighter. "You just scared me for a second there…"
Nick held him close. “I didn’t mean to scare you…I’m here now though.” He gave him a small smile.
Cas nodded a bit, finally starting to relax a little. "I'm sorry I'm so high maintenance."
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