"Alright, if you say so, and you're actually okay with it…" Cas fidgeted with his hands. "I just… I don't think I can go back and see him again right now. I'm scared."
"Alright, if you say so, and you're actually okay with it…" Cas fidgeted with his hands. "I just… I don't think I can go back and see him again right now. I'm scared."
“Of course I’m okay with it. I can’t allow my…friend to live in fear,” Nick replied. He ran a hand through his hair, a small, hopeful smile on his face. “I’m going to keep you safe.”
"Th-Thank you…" Cas smiled weakly as he looked up at Nick, his eyes not holding the same fire as usual. "It means a lot; really."
“Of course. You’re always welcome to stay with me if you need to,” he affirmed. He tried to mentally project his energy onto Cas, hoping he’d regain some of his usual spirit.
He nodded and moved a bit closer to Nick, laying his head on his shoulder. "When? Like… now?"
“Sure,” he answered. “Is there anything you need to take with you?”
"Depends how long I'm staying, I guess, but for now I'm okay. We could stop by and get my cat if you don't mind them." Cas hummed, staring off into space.
“Okay, let’s go then,” Nick suggested. “Get your cat as soon as possible.”
"Wanna come with me?" Cas stood up, swaying a bit before he regained his balance. He held his hand out to help Nick up.
“Yeah,” Nick confirmed, taking Cas’s hand and hoping that he was strong enough to lift Nick up. Nick could probably do most of the work, though.
Cas pulled Nick to his feet, although Nick did help. "Let's go." He led him out of the castle and headed to where he was staying.
Nick followed him, on guard in case something happened. He didn’t know what would happen, exactly, but he was prepared for the worst. He walked so he was side by side with Cas, imagining taking his hand again.
"Niiiix! Where is that damn cat…?" Cas whistled and soon, a fluffy, soft looking black cat trotted out. It had bright blue eyes and rubbed against Cas's legs when it reached him. "There you are, Nix…" Cas picked up the cat and held it in his arms.
“Aww he’s so cute,” Nick cooed, seeing the cat. “Can I pet him?” The cat was adorable, and it made Nick instantly want to pet it.
"Sure." Cas smiled softly, turning towards Nick. "He's an emotional support animal, so he's really friendly."
Nick stroked the cute cat, his heart melting at the animal. “Oh my gosh his fur is so soft,” he said with a smile. “I love him already.”
"I'm glad you like him!" Nix purred loudly and pushed his head up into Nick's hand. "I think he likes you too."
Nick positively beamed, continuing to pet the cat. “We should probably get going,” he admitted. “I hope that Nix likes my quarters.”
Cas nodded and held Nix close to his chest as he followed Nick. "I need him because I've got really bad separation anxiety, so he's supposed to help me calm down if I'm left alone somewhere…" He explained quietly. "So I guess he's kinda more like a service animal since he has received some training? I dunno, but I'm allowed to take him pretty much everywhere."
“He’s so sweet,” Nick commented. “You definitely picked a good cat. He’s the cutest thing ever.” Now that Cas seemed to be doing better, a weight had lifted off of his chest.
Cas smiled again, Nix nuzzling his chin to keep him calm. "He really is… I couldn't ask for a better pet. I'm scared of dogs, so I can't exactly have one of them."
“Cats are better anyway,” Nick agreed, though he still liked dogs, he was just more of a cat person. “Is Nix your only pet?”
He shook his head. "No, I've got a couple other cats, but Nix is the one I'm most attached to…"
“How many cats do you have?” Nick wondered aloud. He didn’t even have one pet.
(gtg gn)
"Um…" Cas thought for a moment. "Six. I've got Nix, Petunia, Keilven, and Petunia and Keilven's three kittens."
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