“Oh yeah, pretty boy?” Nick taunted. “What are you going to do about it?” He moved in closer, getting in Cas’s face. It was all he could do to look furious.
“Oh yeah, pretty boy?” Nick taunted. “What are you going to do about it?” He moved in closer, getting in Cas’s face. It was all he could do to look furious.
Cas punched Nick in the stomach. The way he did it was very skillful; it looked as though he'd hit him rather hard, but he hit him in such a way that it didn't hurt much.
Nick reacted a second too late, but hopefully most people weren’t focused on that. He glared down at Cas. “You little bastard,” he hissed, grabbing him by the shirt and yanking him away from his chair to pin him against the wall. It was easy enough since Cas weighed so little.
Cas seemed a bit dazed and his knees quivered for a moment, but he soon regained himself. He struggled against Nick's hold. "Let go of me!"
“No!” he growled, holding him there. He blushed again, but an entirely different reason this time.
Meanwhile, poor Jane was horrified. She looked like she might cry any second.
He tried to push Nick away by his shoulders unsuccessfully, breathing heavily. He seemed a bit legitimately nervous now, but he tried his best to hide it.
Nick wasn’t sure what to do now but look angry, though that was getting harder by the second. Luckily for him, Jane intervened.
“Nick! Stop! Don’t hurt him!” she cried, her voice thick with almost-tears. He felt a gnawing of guilt in his stomach at her expression.
“Why not?” he forced out.
“It won’t benefit anyone. Please, don’t fight.”
Nick sighed and looked at Cas. “If I let go, you better not try anything.” He released him and took a step back, still tense and poised to move at any second.
Cas dusted himself off and turned away, crossing his arms. As hard as he tried, he couldn't hide his slight trembling.
Nick made a mental note to ask Cas about the trembling later. He felt guilty once again. Was this his fault too? He stood staring at Cas for a few moments before turning and sitting back down. Jane shot Cas a look of disappointment and followed her brother. Hopefully now they’ll say something, or at least acknowledge that we fought, Nick thought.
"What was that all about, hmm?" Cas's father asked in a monotone voice.
"It was an example…"
"An example? Of what?"
Several of the adults around the table (and many of the kids too) gave Nick and Cas disdainful looks. Nick’s father looked at him with disappointment as well. He opened his mouth to say something, but glanced at Jane and stopped. “We’ll talk about this later,” he ended up saying. Nick nodded, trying to look chastened.
Cas's father said something similar, but something subtle in his tone made Cas very uneasy. The meeting went on outside uninterrupted.
(time skip?)
(Sure. I'll let you decide to when)
That night Nick had snuck out again. After a torrent of verbal abuse and manipulation, his father had made it clear while he hated Cas, his son could not fight with him….in public. Nick knew his father wouldn’t be so tolerant a second time. If you could call constantly blackmailing and manipulating his only son tolerant. Nick hoped that Cas had gotten out tonight too, looking around for him.
Cas ran out into the city, not caring much how many people he accidentally bumped into. He seemed very disheveled and anxious, and his eyes were wide with fear. His entire body ached as his feet pounded the pavement. His hood trailed behind him and his hair showed through the crowd.
Nick spotted him in the crowd and shouldered his way towards him. “Cas,” he hissed, spotting the other boy. “What happened?”
"I-I… um…" Cas stammered, his face white as a sheet. His clothes were a mess and even his previously slicked hair managed to look off.
“Let’s go somewhere more private,” Nick said, glancing around and hoping that no one would recognize Cas. He looked at Cas worriedly.
Cas nodded and let Nick steer him away. His heart was racing and he seemed a bit unsteady.
Once Nick had led them away from the still-busy square, he let out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding. The two of them were alone in a pretty garden area, probably a popular place in the afternoon and possibly still a place for lovers and friends alike to go to have some privacy in the cover of night. “What happened?” Nick asked, concerned.
"He…" Cas began shakily, his knees weak. "H-He… hit me…" His voice was no more than a whisper, and seemed almost to be in shock. His eyes shone with tears and he seemed terrified.
Nick blinked, not processing the information for a moment. He stood there, frozen, until a rage slowly set in. He wanted to hurt Cas’s father, to make him pay for the pain (both physical and emotional) that he had inflicted on Cas.
“I can’t believe he would do such a thing,” Nick seethed, before looking back at Cas and realizing that being mad right now wouldn’t help either of them. “Is there any way I can make you feel better?” he asked after a moment, the anger replaced by concern again.
Cas hesitated before hugging Nick tightly, burying his face in his chest. "I-I'm sorry, I… I just need a minute…" His voice broke and he stayed close to Nick, needing some physical contact that didn't hurt like hell. "He was… h-he was mad that I m… m-made our kingdom look bad in public…" He bit his lip to try and prevent himself from crying.
Nick wrapped his arms around Cas, trying to comfort him. He felt the sting of second-hand hurt in his eyes, and the anger at not being able to do anything about Cas’s situation. He had no clue what to say to make Cas feel better. “That bastard…” he muttered.
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