"Mhmm." Cas took another bite. "I wish we were allowed to eat stuff like this at home, you know? I mean, it's clearly not that hard to make, and it's good."
"Mhmm." Cas took another bite. "I wish we were allowed to eat stuff like this at home, you know? I mean, it's clearly not that hard to make, and it's good."
“Yeah, that’d be great. Too bad like ninety-nine perfect of the nobles and royals are total asshats,” he sighed. “I know I should probably get going but I really don’t want to…”
"Yeah…" Cas fidgeted with his hands. His hair was back to normal now, though it was at least combed. It looked nice, and he hated that he'd probably be made to wear gel again for the meeting tonight.
“At least i’ll get to see you again tonight,” Nick added with a wry smile, getting up. “See you later, Cas. Can I call you Cas?”
"If you want." Cas stood up as well, grinning. "Can I call you Nick?"
“Yes,” he responded, his grin lighting up his face. “I like that a lot actually. See you tonight!”
"Yep! Bye!" Cas waved as he ran off back to his quarters.
(time skip to dinner?)
(Yep. Also, I Gtg to work, so I'll be back in a few hours)
Nick was glad that they were sitting in the same seats as last night. He noticed that he was there before Cas, which made him smile slightly as he went over the plan in his head.
Cas walked in with his hair slicked again, looking rather annoyed about it. He seemed to perk up a bit when he sat down beside Nick, though. "Hey."
“Hey,” Nick replied with a grin. “So, I’m guessing we’re going to wait a couple minutes before the ‘fight’? I don’t think we should go straight into it.”
He nodded. "Maybe you could like, make fun of my hair or something? It's pretty dumb."
Nick chuckled. “Yeah, that works,” he replied. He really wanted to run his fingers through Cas’s hair. To fix it. Obviously. “How good at acting are you? I’m not the best, if we’re being honest.”
"I've been lying to my dad all my life and never been caught, so I think I'm pretty good." Cas rested his chin atop his knuckles.
“Okay, good,” Nick said. “I mean, not good that you’ve had to constantly lie, but good that you’re a good actor,” he corrected himself quickly, blushing. “Um, anyway, you can make up for my mediocre acting skills then.”
"Alright. When should we start?" Cas asked in a hushed whisper, glancing around at the others set the table.
“No time like the present,” Nick stated airily, though he was a ball of nerves on the inside. “Okay, here goes.” He took a deep breath before glaring at Cas. “Your hair looks stupid!”
Cas glared back at him, his expression very convincing. "Ha, you're one to talk, bitch boy. Nice hair clips. You off to a tea party with your little sister after this?"
Nick felt himself blush. Good, that would look more convincing. “Leave my sister out of it, asshat! You must be going to the zoo, since you look just like a weasel!”
Cas could feel the others beginning to look at them now. "At least animals in a zoo are interesting. You'd be a sick old pet rat the owners forget about and let starve."
“Like your kingdom takes my people captive and starves them to death!” Nick cried, looking outraged.
“Nick, stop,” Jane pleaded from Nick’s other side.
“No I’m not going to stop! This little shit keeps insulting me!” Nick snapped at her, instantly feeling bad. He quickly schooled his expression back into anger, though.
"This coming from the guy whose kingdom ravaged ours several times and set houses on fire!" Cas crossed his arms, getting mock frustrated. "Children have died because of you!"
“Oh yeah! Your kingdom isn’t the only one who’s lost people,” he all but yelled, his voice and eyes showing real pain as he shot to his feet. “You are the most awful person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting!”
"Ha! I'm nothing compared to you!" Cas stood as well, glaring up at Nick. He still held a level of intimidation despite his height.
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