"Mhmm…" Cas mumbled his assent from the ground, forcing himself up into a sitting position. "I'm not too good at it…"
"Mhmm…" Cas mumbled his assent from the ground, forcing himself up into a sitting position. "I'm not too good at it…"
“I think we should rest for a couple of minutes before heading out,” he added, sitting down next to Cas.
Cas nodded, taking a few seconds to catch his breath and let his heart slow. "That shit's nerve wracking…"
Nick took one of Cas's hands in his. "Well, we both got down okay, so it's no biggie, right?" he responded, his eyes wide and earnest.
He nodded again and blushed a bit from Nick's gaze. "Y-Yeah, we… we're alright. We're good."
Nick nodded happily, satisfied. "Okay, just another minute or two and then we'll get moving," he added, looking to Cas to make sure he was fine with that.
"Sounds good." Cas tore his gaze away from Nick's face, blushing a bit more. He stared down at the ground and shredded a few blades of grass.
After a couple of minutes, Nick stood up and offered Cas his hand. “Are you ready to go now?” he asked.
"Yeah." Cas took his hand and let Nick help him up, though he didn't let go of him once he was up. He tugged his hood over his head to hide his red hair.
Nick gave Cas a grin and led him away from the place that they were staying and down a side street, where there were much fewer people than the main road. He wasn’t entirely sure where he was going, but wandering around with Cas seemed nice.
"Where are we going?" Cas asked quietly, still seeming afraid of being recognized despite the hood and stuff. After all, there were probably guards looking for him.
“Is this someplace specific you want to go?” Nick asked, glancing at him. “I was kind of wandering, but you’d prefer not to, that is fine with me.”
Cas shook his head. "Wandering is fine with me as long as we can find our way back." He held a bit tighter to Nick's hand as they walked near a group of people.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be able to find our way back,” Nick assured with a carefree smile, though on the inside he wasn’t quite carefree. He figured the chances of anyone recognizing him were low, but still made sure to not look in the direction of the group of strangers as they passed, scouting for a another back road to somewhere hopefully cool.
Cas could feel himself getting nervous and ice crystals formed at his fingertips. He didn't draw attention to this in any way other than the coldness on Nick's hand and biting his lip.
“Are you okay?” Nick asked softly, turning to Cas. “If you’re not feeling up to it, we can go back. Or find a quiet, abandoned place to hang out.”
"I'm… I'm alright. I'm just afraid we'll get caught." Cas closed his eyes, letting n Nick lead him entirely.
“It’s going to be okay, we won’t get caught. We’re too careful for that,” Nick assured him, trying to assure himself as well.
Cas nodded, though he didn't feel much better. "How long are we going to wander?"
Nick shrugged. “Either until we find a place to hang out or get bored, I guess.” The truth was he hadn’t given it much thought besides wanting to be with Cas uninterrupted.
"Okay…" Cas looked down at the ice crystals beginning to travel up Nick's forearm. "Sorry about that."
Nick smiled at him. “It’s fine,” he replied. “It feels kind of nice, actually.” He was determined to be optimistic, though he wasn’t lying.
"Can't you… you've got fire powers, right?" Cas asked. "You can probably melt it if you want to."
“Oh yeah, duh,” he responded, blushing a bit. He laughed as he put his hand over the arm that that was slowly being covered in ice, moving back and forth, turning the ice to steam with the tiny flames coming from his hand.
"Don't burn yourself, or more pertinently, me." Cas warned him. "I dunno if you've got immunity, but I haven't."
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