forum A witchy one on one (closed)
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Tolly relaxed beneath his touch, slowly but surely leaning against him until he was almost entirely relying on Cas to stay standing, face pressed into the crook of his neck while he listened to Cas speak. "That means a lot, babe. Thank you." He kissed Cas' cheek, letting himself be towed into the bedroom. He barely had the energy to kick off his shoes, but he somehow managed to shimmy out of his jeans and settled under the covers, pulling Cas up against his chest to cuddle."


Cas snuggled close to Tolly's chest, resting his head in the crook of his neck and hooking his legs around his lower waist "goodnight, love. sleep well." he kissed his brow and pulled the blankets over them a bit tighter, reveling in the warmth Tolly provided as well and the feel of another human being beside him. He nudged their heads together before sighing softly and slowly drifting off to sleep

Deleted user

Tolly curled around him, holding Cas close the way a child would a favorite stuffed animal. His arms were wrapped around his waist, head tucked on top of Cas' and body curled around him protectively. "You too, babe." His voice was soft with sleep and the words came slowly, like he was struggling to say each one. "Have a good night."


He hummed softly and pressed a soft kiss to Tolly’s chest, now half asleep. He loved the Way Tolly felt next to him, gentle yet strong and stable. He breathed him in and pressed closer to his form, legs tangling together.

Deleted user

Tolly drifted off the second after the kiss, exhausted from his worry. He was glad to have Cas in his arms, glad that he was safe and whole, and that gratitude followed him through his dreams, letting him sink into a deep and untroubled sleep.


Cas’ eyes fluttered open st the sound of the alarm. He quickly turned it off so as to not awaken Tolly before settling back down in his arms. Now awake, he just lied there, watching the other breath calmly and occasionally shift. Cas ran a gentle hand through Tolly's hair and stroked his cheek.

Deleted user

Tolly didn't even stir at the alarm. He'd always been a deep sleeper and tonight was no exception so he didn't do much more than shift slowly, pulling Cas in closer to his chest and mashing his face into the crook of his neck with a sleepy sigh.


Cas laughed softly and pressed light kisses to Tolly's shoulder “pretty one, you just love sleep, hm? Well, we have to get to the shop soon so I do hope you don’t plan on sleeping in all day.”

Deleted user

Tolly grumbled softly but didn't wake up, or even do much more than shift again. He had Cas beneath him now, pinned under half his body weight as he rolled half on top of him.


Cas squeaked and nuzzled into Tolly’s warmth. “And apparently, I’m not getting up either, huh gorgeous creature?” He laughed softly and tugged Tolly closer and nuzzled into his hair

Deleted user

Tolly woke up about an hour later, blinking around sleepily from his place on top of Cas. "Mm… what time is it?" He peered down at Cas, cocking his head expectantly as he waited for his answer. His hair was all bunched up on the left side of his head.


V opened his eyes, having fallen into a light sleep waiting for Tolly to wake up. He stretched as much as he could under Tolly's weight and glanced over at the alarm clock next to the bed. "hmm, 9:30." he mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He reached up and ran a hand through Tolly's hair, trying to tame it down a bit

Deleted user

Tolly clambered over onto his side of the bed when Cas started trying to stretch, scooting in so his body was pressed neatly along Cas' back. His classes didn't start until 11. "Good, I was worried I'd oversleep." He leaned in so Cas could pet his hair. "How'd your night go? Any fun dreams?"


"hm, not particularly. had a weird one where I was in mom's garden and fell through a patch of leaves. Kinda like Alice in wonderland but more creepy than fun." he shivered slightly, both from the memory of the dream and the lack of warmth from Tolly. "Come back~" he whined softly, pressing closer the other in an attempt to get the warmth back "what about you? any interesting dreams?"

Deleted user

Tolly frowned and pecked him on the cheek, wrapping an arm around Cas' waist. "Sorry, that doesn't sound like a great time. Um…" He scooted closer while he thought, letting Cas tuck himself up against his chest. "… I had a couple. There was one where I was flying but I turned into a hamster and there was one where I was swimming and a mermaid ate my feet. Oh! And there was one where a vampire chased me through the woods until I found your dorm and ran inside."


Cas tilted his head with a confused smile "what? flying and then you turned into a hamster….mermaids with a thing for feet and basically that one scene from twilight breaking dawn." He nodded as he thought it over and laughed "very, very strange indeed." He pressed a kiss to Tolly' chin and started to softly pet Toll's hair. "and you slept through all of that without waking up? wow love, someone could be breaking pavement outside and you sleep like a baby."

Deleted user

Tolly laughed as Cas laid it out, kissing him on the cheek. "Well… I wouldn't say the mermaids had a thing for feet, I think it's more that my feet were right there and they were very hungry, but… anyways, yeah, overall a really weird night." He shrugged and leaned into Cas with pleased hum at the petting. "I'll admit: I'm a pretty heavy sleeper. Alarms don't really work so I usually get Levi to smack me around 'til I wake up, but even then…" he trailed off with a laugh and a sort of what can you do? smile.


Cas shook his head "I'll happily let you sleep in love, you're too cute to forcefully wake you up." he smiled at the sound Tolly made and gently trailed his hand down to his cheek "plus there wasn't much I could do with you onto of me, so I was kinda force to wait.Also, you're clingy when you sleep, ya know that right?" he teased lightly

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Tolly laughed harder and rubed his cheek happily against the palm of Cas' hand. "Mm, I'm glad you think so. I'd hate to have to make you smack me awake for something, it's really not a pretty process." He was pretty much nuzzling Cas' hand by now, still half-asleep. "And 'm sorry about crushing you. I've been told I forget how heavy I am when I'm trying to cuddle."


"No, If anything, I'll just shake you until you wake up, that or start breakfast if you let me up." He nuzzled into the crook of Tolly's neck with a satisfied hum.
"nah, it's actually really comfortable, except for when half my body falls asleep." he gigged, and rubbed his hand against Tolly's cheek, using his thumb to trace over Tolly's nose and lips

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Tolly shook his head. "No way am I letting you up for breakfast, you're so cozy." He nuzzled closer to Cas to make his point, holding him like a kid cuddling a particularly large teddy bear. He smiled when Cas started tracing over his features, leaning in so he wouldn't have to reach so far. "And… if you ever really want me to wake up, just thump me on my bad shoulder a couple times. I won't be happy, but I'll definitely be up."


he made a trilling noise and snuggled as close to Tolly as humanly possible "no my love, I could never do anything to you when full well knowing it'd hurt you." he said, smiling softly as he felt Tolly's warm breath of his fingertips. "Plus, It's just easier to let you sleep a while than ry to get you to wake up in the same amount of time you'll oversleep for."

Deleted user

Tolly blushed and pressed his smile against Cas' shoulder, kissing him there with a pleased hum. "I… um… thank you. But… if…. if there's ever a fire or a break-in or some reason you really need me up… I wouldn't be mad at you." He took Cas' hand in his, squeezing lightly. "And I guess I can see the wisdom in that, so long as you don't get pissy with me for it."


he sighed softly and nodded "Alright, I'll only wake you up if there is a true emergency." he promised, pressing a kiss to Toll's cheek when he bent down. "beautiful creature," he murmured in his ear, lacing their hands together and pressing a kiss to the back of his. "ready to go to the shop?" he asked "or do you want to stay here and cuddle a little longer?"

Deleted user

Tolly hummed happily, nuzzling close to Cas with the sweetest little smile. He loved this, he loved being held close and petted and told he was beautiful. He squeezed Cas' hand happily, letting Cas pull him this way and that however he liked. "I… I'm glad you think I'm beautiful," he murmured, unusually bashful. "I… I'd like to stay with you for a little, if that's okay."