forum A witchy one on one (closed)
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“Well, I’m glad he’s a good teacher, I know a few who would do less than that.” He squeezed Tolly’s hand gently. “Hey, you’re going to do better than a 70. Heck, better than a 90. You’re going to do great love, don’t under sell yourself short, dearest one.” He reassured with a smile.


Tolly gave his hand a soft squeeze in return. "You're real sweet, but I promise you I'm not. Math's really not my thing, college math especially, so I don't expect to get good grades like that. Honestly, I'll be really happy to even pass the test. I haven't been doing so great this year."


He shrugged, “who knows, maybe this will be the test you get a hundred on.” He said with a smile, trying to keep the optimism high. “If you ever need help on math I’m sure there are a lot of people on campus that could help.” He suggested, glancing over at Tolly.


Tolly snorted quietly, giving Cas's shoulder a gentle bump as they wandered towards the campus proper. "Honestly, you're more broken up about it than I am." He gave Cas a small smile. "I've accepted my limits, I'm just no good at math. I get help, I go to office hours and see a tutor and everything, and seventies are still all I can swing. It's fine."


“Maybe I am, I just think that if you think you can do better than a C, then maybe you actually will.” He sighed softly and leaned his head against Tolly’s shoulder “well, I still hope you do great, in everything.” He reached up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. He glanced up as his class building came into view, watched as students started to file in for early morning classes “why didn’t I sign up for 10 am classes?” He dramatically whined, shaking his head.


Tolly wrapped an arm around him with a soft smile, returning the kiss with a happy hum. "Because you hate yourself." He gave Cas a companionable squeeze before he let go and ushered him forward. "Now get in there. You're gonna kick this class' ass, all you have to do is wake yourself up and get ready to take hella notes."


He laughed softly and nodded “apparently I do.” Cas hugged him back and laughed “thank you love, have a great day, hope you do well on that test!” He called as he broke away and ran the rest of the way to the building


Cas laughed as he waved him off, standing on the sidewalk with a bright smile until Cas was inside and he could set off on his merry way. He made a beeline for the library after and was lucky enough to meet up with his tutor. All in all it was a good study session, and he left for his test feeling fully prepared.


Cas incredibly stayed awake the whole 3 hours of class! Whether he understood anything he was writing down in his notebook at the moment was irrelevant. He’d read the notes over later and highlight the most important parts. Problem was, Cas had gone through three highlighters in the past 2 months, highlighting everything in his notes, thinking that everything he wrote was important. He knew it didn’t help him in the long run but he got paranoid if he thought he was missing something. He made it out of his class around 1:00 and jogged across campus to the cafe for a quick bite before his next class at 2:00


Tolly's time was a little more productive. The test was predictably stressful, and his grade was every bit as low as he'd expected, but office hours went well and the professor even let him do corrections to make up half the points he'd lost. He left for the cafe with a smile on his face and a messenger bag stuffed full of frantic notes and a half-corrected test, 78 written neatly at the tip. "Oh!" He grinned when he caught sight of Cas, rushing over to him. "Cas, hey! Didn't expect to see you here."


Cap lifted his head up and smiled “hey! Yeah. I have a bit of a break between classes and the cafe is right between buildings. How’s ya do?” He asked enthusiastically, taking a sip of his honey, lemon tea he usually ordered. He looked their arms together and guided Tolly back into The cafe, sitting down with him at a small booth.


"About as good as could be expected, honestly." He reached down to pull it out of his bag, showing off the grade with a sheepish smile before he shoved the test back into his bag. "Almost an 80, but I've got a chance to make it up to a 90 if I do a really good job." He plopped down in the seat with a soft sigh, leaning up against Cas' side. "It's gonna take me ages to do."


Cas wrapped an arm around Tolly and smiled softly, “they will not, you’ll see. And hey this is better than what thought you were going to do.” He reached up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I’m proud of you love.” He looked over the test to see what Tolly’s had gotten wrong and right. “This shouldn’t take too long.”


"They totally will, Cas!" Tolly sighed quietly, burying his face in Cas' shoulder and then going limp. He leaned into the kiss with a soft huff, but that was about it. "I'm glad you're proud of me and all, but it's gonna be like two weeks before I finish up all the stupid proofs."


Cas wrapped his arms around Tolly, hugging him close. “Proofs are dumb. But hey, it won’t be that bad.” He affectionately ruffles Tolly’s hair “you’re going good to do fine love, just take your time so you can do the corrections we’ll.” He reassured with a smile.


Tolly let out a pleased sound, leaning into the ruffling of his hair with a warm smile. "Mm, you're so good to me~" He cracked an eye open and gave Cas a once over. "How good are you at proofs, sweetpea? Think you can help me out once you get home?"


He smiled adoringly at him and pressed a kiss to Tolly’s cheek. “Why would I have a reason not to be?” He murmured, falling into a rhythm as he continued to pet his hair.
He tilted his head from side to side indecisively. “Sure! I’m not that bad at them. We did them last year but no one really liked them including the teacher.” He laughed and took a last sip of his drink. “I’ll be home by 8. I just have to check in on the shop.” He said, gently nudging Tolly up so that he could gather his things for the next class.


Tolly nuzzled the crook of Cas's neck with a lazy smile, enjoying the affection immensely after all the stress of his math class. He returned the favor after a few minutes, trailing soft, sweet kisses up his neck. "Mm, thank you sweetheart~" He shuffled out of the booth alongside Cas, still leaning up against him. "Come to my dorm, okay? I'll have dinner cooked and on the table to make it up to you."


“No problem, I’m happy I can help.” He laughed softly as Tolly followed him out and skin husband backpack over his shoulder. “Alright, though you don’t have to cook for me, love. I’d Ben happy just to come over. But if you must, please at least save dessert making for later.” He pressed a sweet kiss to his lips before waving and heading to his next class. “See ya later!” He called over his shoulder


Tolly kissed him back with a soft smile and waved him off, laughing quietly. "I know I don't have to, I want to. I'll make you something real special, alright?" His voice got louder and louder so Cas could still here him. Sure, it earned a few funny looks, but it was worth it to keep talking. "It'll be great, I'll see you at 8! Love you!!!"


Cas laughed at Tolly’s attempt to keep talking as he walked out the door, finding it adorably cute, despite the look so they got. “Love you more!” He called before heading off to the next building, probably his favorite building on campus, the Arts building. Usually they had an array of classes here from magic arts to typical theater and drawing. Cas took the magical arts class which usually covered most alchemy and spells.