forum A witchy one on one (closed)
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Cas leaned against him and shook some cinnamon and ground chili pepper powder on top of his chocolate, stirring it around a bit and taking a sip. "mom taught me since she's the one who loves to cook. She had me baking bread and making all sorts of things at a young age. I don't do any of the long term recipes anymore since I got into college but I try to do some of the shorter ones on weekends." he said, taking a bite of the food with a small hum

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Tolly laughed, taking a long sip of his own cocoa. It was the perfect temperature– hot enough to feel warm and cozy but not so hot it burnt his tongue. "I should get the recipe for my brother, he loves cooking. Taught me everything I know about it, even though I'm not half as good in the kitchen as he is." He laughed, leaning his head on Cas' shoulder. "We used to make handpies and fry them up with our mama when dad wasn't home."


Cas nudged into him and smiled softly “really? What kind were they?” He asked, finishing off the eggs and moving on to the sandwhich, offering Tolly the other half as they talked “I can find the resile for anything you might want. Mom gave me a copy of all the recipes she collected over the years in case I forgot anything.”

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Tolly took the offered food with a smile, munching on the sandwich while he tried to remember. "Well they were usually fruit. We had these big fields of blackberries out behind our house and mama and I would pick them while Illy made us the dough." He smiled fondly. "They were always really delicious. And… it'd be really cool if I could take a look at your recipe book. I'm not the best cook but I like trying new things and I'm sure she's got some really fun stuff in there."


“You has a blackberry field in your backyard?! Lucky! Me and mom would always beg dad to drive smiles for these blackberries that were sold at a market whenever it came to town.” Cas laughed at the memory “poor dad came home tired from work and mom would always sweet talk him to going back out to get the berries, only for them to be gone in a few days.” He took a bite of the sandwich and set it down, leaving the couch for a moment and going to his room. He rummaged around a bit before coming back with a large box full of different sized cards. “Go ahead, there’s everything in there from desert pastries to lobster bisque”

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Tolly laughed, resting his head on Cas's shoulder. He could listen to Cas talk forever. "Too bad for you, I guess. I loved the house we grew up in. We lived in this really nice little private neighborhood and there was a river that trailed out behind our house and Demyan—our oldest brother— built a treehouse with our dad when he was a kid and there were berry patches all around…" He trailed off with a happy sigh, pouting at Cas' retreating back. He perked right up again when he came back with the little box, excitedly picking through the little recipe cards. "Oh Illy would love this! Can I take some pictures?"


Cas nodded, and sat down beside him again, taking a few bites of the sandwich. “Go right ahead, mom never worried much about people taking the recipes. She really just wanted to share them with people.” He explained, curling up on the couch and looking over at the box, pointing out his favorite recipes, most of them sweets.

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Tolly beamed and pecked him on the cheek before he started carding through, snapping photos of whatever recipes for baked goods he could find. He made sure to get all of Cas' favorites too, figuring that he could try his hand at them later to surprise his boyfriend. "Alright! First of all thanks and second of all, I had no idea you had such a sweet tooth! I should get you to bake with me sometime."


“No problem! I’m glad you have such an interest in them” Cas smiled sweetly and nudged into tolly’s affection “yeah, mom and dad call it a problem I call it an addiction. I’d love to bake with you some day. Maybe next holiday when both the shop and schools out?” He asked, checking the calendar on his phone

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Tolly peeked over at the screen. "Yeah, looks like we have a long weekend here." He pointed towards the three blank days. "Maybe we can do it then. If you're half as good at baking as you are at making cocoa we're gonna be golden, and it'll only take half a day at most."


Cas nodded and marked the days as “baking day” on his phone, just to remind him.
“I’m not the best but I think I know the basics pretty well. Half a day should be good unless you want to tackle a larger project? And that’s if we don’t get distracted In between.” He gave Tolly a teasing look and pressed a kiss to his cheek

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Tolly grinned and gave him a sweet kiss in return, pulling Cas in close. He made him so happy. Even just looking at the little blue notification for baking day sent butterflies fluttering through his stomach. "Well I can't promise that I won't get distracted, but since we do have three days I think tackling something big is just what the doctor ordered. Have you ever made bread before?"


Cas kissed Tolly back with a smile, his hand reaching up to cup his cheek gentlyand to pull him close. He pulled away slightly and nodded "We made quick breads before which were pretty good and I think we've made dinner rols but we've never made a large loaf before. Do you have one in mind that we could make?"

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"Mhmm." Tolly leaned into his hand with a soft smile, pecking him on the lips once Cas had him in nice and close. His smile was soft. He was looking up at Cas through his eyelashes. "I've got a starter for a good sourdough, and bread takes all day but you only have to check in on it every so often. That means we can cook other things in between."


"Sounds great, love. That'll definitely be on the list to make." He pecked his lips one final time before standing and putting the empty dishes in the sink. After washing them, he found his backpack and neatly put all his notebooks and laptop inside. "ready to go?" he asked, glancing up from sorting through the things he'd bring to the shop.

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Tolly's laptop was still over at his house, along with a nice clean pair of clothes and a toothbrush he could use without feeling guilty, so he hopped up with a nod. "Yep! You've got all the stuff you need, right? I'm gonna have to jet over to my place right after I walk you and I wanna make sure you don't have to go back 'n forth any more than you need."


Cas nodded in reasurance "yeah! Go ahead, I probably won't leave the shop until 11:30 just to be a bit early to my first class so take you're time." He replied, grabbing his keys and phone and pulling open the door, breathing in the morning air with a small smile.

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"Alright, then we're off!" He took Cas' hand in his once he'd grabbed everything, walking him out onto the sidewalk It was a beautiful day sunny and warm with the perfect breeze and he reveled in it as they began to wander through the streets. "Gods, I really can't wait 'til the holiday comes. It's a crime to stay inside today."


Cas smiled at Tolly's enthusiasm and infectious excitement. "Neither can I. It's going to be so much fun to bake all day. The room's going smell so good!" he looked around with a smile. "It truly is. It hasn't been this nice for a few weeks now."

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Tolly grinned back at him, bright and bubbly and so very touched that Cas was every bit as excited as he was. "Yeah, it really is! And we're gonna have so many baked goods too! We'll eat like kings for months and months, it's going to be amazing."


“I don’t think the bread Is going to last for months but we’ll have a filling loaf for a few days.” They kept walking along the streets of the campus, coming up on the road that led to the shop. “We should see if there are any fruits in season, then we could make jams for the bread.” He said with a smile “oooh we could fill some with chocolate too if we find any.”

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Tolly smiled and kissed him on the cheek, slowing down a bit as they reached the road to the shop. "It will if you keep it refrigerated, but… I guess you have a point. I've got no clue how to make jam so if you wanna do that I'm afraid you'll have to be the one who gets everything together. I'm pretty hopeless with recipes I haven't tried out at least once or twice beforehand."


Cas leaned into the kiss slightly a d smiled “don’t worry! I know a really easy recipe that can be used for any fruit. I’m sure you’ll pick it up easily!” He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door to the shop, glad to see that it had t been vandalized any further

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(I've been thinking about it for a while, but I need a break. Everything that's been going on lately is really dragging me down, so I'm going to take some time to reconnect with friends and the family I don't get to see every day. I'm sorry for springing this on you, but I'm honestly really drained and I need to take a little time away. I'll be back in two weeks, so don't worry about me abandoning this rp, and I hope you stay happy in the meantime!)


(Yes of course! don't worry about it! I get that you need some time off, it's perfectly ok! See you in two weeks! I hope the same for you and I hope seeing friends and family makes you happy! I'll see you later! may life treat you well!)