forum A witchy one on one (closed)
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Totally! Sorry I was off for so long, my life's been kind of a hectic mess for like half a year. I won't be on as much as I used to, but it would be really cool to keep this going


Cas leaned into the kiss slightly a d smiled “don’t worry! I know a really easy recipe that can be used for any fruit. I’m sure you’ll pick it up easily!” He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door to the shop, glad to see that it had t been vandalized any further

Tolly looked around, wincing at the half empty shelves of magical bits and bobs. The place looked much better than it used to—no more glass on the floor, no more conflicting scents staining the air—but there was something wrong about seeing the shelves so empty. "Alright, alright, well I'll have to be the judge of that one."


(Yeah, of course! That’s fine!)
He smiled over his shoulder as he set down the basket of ingredients and newly bought jars and viles on the front counter. “You’ll like it, I promise.” He reassured, walking back to the center of the room and looked around. He didn’t like how empty the place felt but he’d rather have that than it being destroyed. “It’s just like the first time we actually set the place up.” He tried to convince himself with a half smile


Tolly sighed quietly and let his eyes slide over the walls, noting a few small slashes on the wall where glass had shattered against it. "Well… I guess so, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be uncertain about it now." he wandered over to the desk near the door, leaning up against it idly. "I'm indecisive, you have to have recognized that about me by now."


He laughed softly and walked over to Tolly, wrapping his arms around him in a hug before breaking away and hopping over the counter to start filling the jars with whatever ingredients they needed the most at the moment. “It’s going to be fine, they wouldn’t come back a second time,” he but his lip “at least I really hope not.” He shrugged off the uneasy feeling and set down the first bottle


Tolly hugged him back, giving Cas a soft squeeze before he let him go. "You said that last time though, and…" He sighed quietly and gave a nod to the closest shelf. In the past few weeks, the shop had been vandalized at least twice not including this little incident. "Well… you saw how that ended. I don't want anything to happen to this place, or to you."


“Mom did say this wasn’t going to be easy.” Cas half joked, looking around at the broken shelves. He looked back up at Tolly with a soft smile “hon, nothings going to happen to me.” He reassured lightly, handing off a few jars and viles


Tolly huffed out a laugh but he didn't look any more reassured than before. "Just because you haven't gotten hurt that bad yet doesn't mean it's never gonna happen." He hopped up onto the counter with a soft sigh, kicking his feet idly. "It makes me nervous. What if someone comes around and I can't get to you in time?"


He tilted his head slightly and walked over to Tolly, taking his hands in his and pressing a kiss to them. “Darling, I’ll be alright. Yes, those kids did hurt me before but I don’t think they’re willing to do it again. We have to put up with people like that everywhere. I’ll be alright, promise.” He looked up into his eyes and gently caressed his cheek


Tolly was hesitant to accept the comfort, leaning into the gentle touch with a soft frown on his face. "But you shouldn't have to, that's the thing." He pouted a little and turned, pressing a kiss to the middle of Cas' palm gently. "It's harassment at best, I still think you should at least be calling the police on them. Or even campus security, anything to make sure they can't come back here."


“I am going to talk with some councilors and the campus police later this week on getting some extra patrols for the shop. That should help. As for my safety, if it stops when the police come for the shop, I’m sure it’ll just start again outside of work hours.” He sighed softly and shrugged. “Hopefully not.” He but his lip nervously but tried to hide it with a small smile.


Tolly heaved a sigh and reached over to grab Cas by the collar, tugging him in for a soft kiss. "Well hopefully it will. At least you're actually considering getting some protection, last time we talked about it you seemed sort of… resistant." He shrugged, a little sheepish. "I was worried you were just going to wait it out or something like that."


Her hummed in surprise at being pulled forwards but quickly wrapped his arms around Tolly’s neck, kissing him back. “Yeah, I figured after the second vandalism I had to do something. I was think about waiting it out, hoping they’d just move on from me. Sadly I don’t think that’s gonna happen without some reinforcement.” He pressed a kiss to Tolly’s cheek before gently breaking away to start stocking the shelves with the jars he had filled.


Tolly gave him a pleased smile and settled on top of the counter, content to watch Cas putter around the shop for now. He leaned back a little, propping himself up on his hands and doing his best not to get too wound up as his mind wandered from one anxiety to another. "Good. Or… um… not good that any of this shit is happening, just good that you're getting a little more protection now. It's really reassuring to hear that you're not gonna get attacked again."


“Yeah, I must admit that I feel much better now that I’ve a test lead to tried to find more protection for the shop.” He said with a sheepish smile, walking back over to the counter to grab more of the jars. While there, he checked the time on his phone to make sure he wasn’t running late for his first class.
“I just hope they amp up the security before the group that attacked gets the bright idea of doing it again.”


Tolly nodded in agreement, leaning up against Cas' side as he drew close and sighing quietly as he pulled away. "Well even if they do get it into their head to try something else, they won't hit it while you're around. Class starts in like ten minutes for you, right?" He glanced over at the phone, double checking his estimation. "And you're booked pretty much all day."


“Mhm, today are most of my classes so I won’t be back until 8.” He hopped up on the counter, struggling a bit but eventually settling next to Tolly and plopping his head on his shoulder. “They’ve done it before, I don’t think they care if I’m here or not.” He shut his eyes for a moment, not wanting to think about the month ago when he was attacked. “It’ll be alright,” he sighed, glancing up at Tolly and nudging close against him, not really convinced


Tolly wrapped an arm around Cas' waist, pulling him in close with a soft sigh. "Yeah. I just… I'm worried about it. Why are they so dead set on wrecking your shop anyways?" He glanced around the room with a soft sigh, scanning over the jars. "It's such a nice place. And you help so many people with it too, you should be a god damn pillar of this community."


He blushed at the praise and shook his head. “I don’t know it’ll it’s ‘pillar of the community’ level but I do think it’s important to those who do come here looking for help. As for the reason why people attack me and my shop, I don’t really know. I mean I used to be friends with one of the kids in the group when we were younger but we grew apart after he went off to college here.” He said, shrugging and kissing tolly’s cheek. “Ya coming or are ya gonna stay here?” He asked, leaning back and reaching for his backpack to get ready for his first class.


"It totally is!" Tolly kissed him on the cheek with a bright smile, pulling Cas in ever closer. "You help people, everyone who comes in here and actually buys stuff loves you." He opened his arms so Cas could slip off his lap, following him down off the counter with a soft smile. His book bag sat on the counter behind him, half unzipped and patched at the corners. "And I'm coming. I've got a test next week, don't have class until seven but it can't hurt me to get a couple hours of studying in."


“Thank you love, that means a lot, especially coming from you.” He gave him a genuinely happy smile before slipping off the counter and finding his keys as well as stashing away some of the rest of the ingredients and jars so they wouldn’t spoil. “No, you’re right, it can’t. What’s the test on?” He asked, lacing their hands together and walking to the door


“Thank you love, that means a lot, especially coming from you.” He gave him a genuinely happy smile before slipping off the counter and finding his keys as well as stashing away some of the rest of the ingredients and jars so they wouldn’t spoil. “No, you’re right, it can’t. What’s the test on?” He asked, lacing their hands together and walking to the door

"C'mon, I'm sure it'd mean a lot coming from everyone." Tolly followed him around the shop, smoothing down the strap of his bag to keep his hands busy. He glanced out the window every now and then, tracking the sun as it slowly crept higher and higher in the sky. "It's a calc quiz, way too hard for me to even hope for a good grade." He laughed quietly. "But if I'm lucky, I'll skate by with a 70, and then I can go after and ask the professor to look over it with me. He's a real nice guy."