forum A witchy one on one (closed)
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“Of course we can, love.” Cas replied with a smile of his own, lips still close to Tolly’s ear. He laughed softly “I never took you as a shy person, or one to get embarrassed easily.” He pressed a kiss to the are below his ear and gently pulled away to nudge their heads together

Deleted user

Tolly blushed harder. "Usually I'm not," he murmured, shivering slightly at the kiss. "I just… I like this, and I like you, and it all feels really nice and… I dunno, I guess I've never really had something like this before." He pressed his forehead against Cas', kissing him softly. "I can try to stop if you don't like it."


“No my love, don’t stop doing anything.” He gently tugged him closer and kissed him again “you deserve it, all of it.” He murmured against his lips, a gentle hand pressed against Tolly’s cheek “I’m glad you like it as I’m glad you feel good.”

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Tolly kissed him back helplessly, leaning into the hand on his cheek with a soft hitch of his breath. He wasn't used to this. Nobody had ever treated him like this before. "I… I'm glad you think so, then. It's… it's honestly amazing, getting to be with you. I've never been happier in my life."


Cas smiled softly and brushed aside hair that had fallen in Tolly's hair "Neither have I Tolly, at least not with another person that my immediate family." he glanced up again at the clock and sighed. "why do we have to have classes today?!" he groaned, pulling the blankets over his head. "I wanna stay here and cuddle…" he sat up with a dramatic whine and ran a hand through his tangled hair

Deleted user

Tolly smiled and kissed him again, groaning when his eyes flickered to the clock alongside Cas' and he saw what time it was. "Ugh, yeah, but life keeps going even if we're in love. I've gotta take a shower, babe." He sat up, hesitantly leaving the shelter of his boyfriend's arms. "D'you still want me to walk you to the shop when I'm done?"


“If you do t have get to class soon, sure!” Cas bounces off the bed and pressed a kiss to Tolly’s cheek “I’ll start breakfast and check for anything else we might need to bring to the store while you shower.” He became lost in in thought as he walked to the kitchen, silently naming off various ingredients and counting on his fingers

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"Nah, I'm pretty sure I've told you about my no class before twelve policy, so I'm pretty much free until after lunch." He leaned into the kiss with a happy sigh, reaching up to cup Cas' face gently before he left for the bathroom. "That sounds great, babe. I'm gonna have to start bringing clothes to your house, aren't I?"


Cas broke out his list making and blushed softly, glad that Tolly was in the bathroom so he couldn't see his face "uh-uhm, sure. If you want." he took a deep breath and smiled softly, taking out some eggs and herbs for breakfast as well as a block of dark chocolate to make hot chocolate.

Deleted user

"Of course I want. I'll get an extra toothbrush too, so I don't have to keep using your mouthwash whenever I'm over." The showed started and he was quiet for a while, presumably getting settled. "Honey, I love you, but which one of these bottles is the shampoo? I'm confused."


Cas came back to the bedroom and stood outside the door of the bathroom “it’s the white one with the vanilla bean and the mint leaf.” He called, smiling softly at Tolly’s adorable confusion. “I love you more darling.” He went back to the kitchen and continued breakfast

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"What's a vanilla bean look like?" There were some light thumps as he searched through the bottles, and then: "Oh! Oh nevermind, got it!!! Thanks a ton babe, now what's your body wash look like? 'cause I might just have to use this shampoo for everything."


He laughed softly “the body wash is next to it, there’s conditioner next to that!” He called from the kitchen. He smiled adoringly and finished up the breakfast. He had made some eggs and a made a sandwich to split. Once the food was done, he started the chocolate, letting chunks of the bar melt in some milk with vanilla and cinnamon

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"Okay, thank you! Love you!" Tolly went silent again and came out about ten minutes later with a towel slung around his waist and a smile on his lips. "You made Hht chocolate too?? This is great!" He pecked Cas on the cheek and then started rifling through cabinets, finding what he needed to set the table.


He hummed softly a light blush on his cheeks as tolly kissed him. "yep, Mom sent some of this over last night so I thought it would be a good idea to use it today. whatcha looking for love?"he asked, glancing over as he stirred the chocolate

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"Nothing I haven't already found." He set out the plates and silverware on the table, taking the pan of eggs over so he could distribute the food while Cas worked on drinks. "How many glasses of that do I get? It looks absolutely delicious."


He chuckled softly "One for now, dear. Maybe a bit more depending on what I need for later." he glanced over his shoulder and smiled "thank you, love. You can start eating if you want, this should be done fairly soon." he lowered the temperature once the drink started bubbling over and took the pot off the stove to cool for a bit, watching at the mixture turned a deep brown and the consistency thickened

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Tolly shook his head, setting everything down so he could hug Cas from behind and tuck his head on his shoulder with a soft smile. "Nah, I'll wait." He pressed a kiss to Cas's jaw, the closest thing he could reach. "No point in eating when I can't eat with you. Especially since I'd be waiting on that cocoa anyways."


Cas hummed softly and leaned into Tolly's embrace as he stirred the hot chocolate, making sure that nothing was stuck to the bottom. He tilted his head slightly towards Tolly as he kissed him, ceasing his stirring when he was distracted. "It's almost done, pretty one. Mind grabbing the chili peppers and cinnamon from the cabinet while I pour these out?"

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Tolly hugged him close, trailing the kisses down Cas' neck lightly as he tilted his head. He was busy sucking a mark into the crook of Cas' neck when he was asked to leave and his boyfriend could probably feel the pout already. He pulled away after a few seconds, after he'd made sure the mark was dark enough that it would stick around for a while. "Yeah, yeah, I will. Why do we need chili peppers?"


He gasped softy as tolly kissed him, reaching up as running his hand through Tolly's hair and nudging his nose against his cheek. he glanced down at the mark and shook his head with a smile "that's not going anywhere, and I have class. Thank you love." he sighed and pressed a kiss to Tolly's lips "the chili enhances the chocolate flavor, it actually tastes really good."

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Tolly laughed and kissed him back, a smirk already starting to form on his lips as he looked at the mark. "Kind of the point, babe. You can cover it with concealer if you want to hide it." He pulled away with one last peck for Cas, rummaging around the cabinets in search of the cinnamon and peppers. "Well I'm not putting peppers in my cocoa but you can do whatever you like."


"hm, I think I'll keep it uncovered for now." he poured the hot chocolate into the mugs and brought them over to the couch along with some spoons. "please? it takes really god. it's not even that spicy." he wrapped Tolly in his arms and pressed a kiss to the base of his neck. "Fine, I guess you don't have to but it really does make a difference." he pulled away and curled up on the couch with the plate of food in his lap and the drink in his hands, idly stirring the chocolate until it cooled down a bit

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Tolly gave him a grin when he said he'd leave the mark uncovered and bounded over to the couched with his goodies in hand. He shook his head as Cas tried to persuade him, wrinkling up his nose playfully. "Nah ah, no way. I hate spicy food, even if it's not that bad I still can't stand it." He dusted his own cocoa with cinnamon and flopped down on the couch next to Cas, taking a si once he was cozy and settled. It tasted amazing. "This is great, babe! When'd you learn to cook this kinda stuff?"