forum A witchy one on one (closed)
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Tolly gave her an apologetic smile, wandering over to Cas' side. "Yeah, Put in violets instead of irises, happens all the time." The lie rolled off his tongue easily. "Can we have it back?"


Cas nodded “read the wrong recipe. This could do serious damage.” The girl’s eyes glazed over. She shut her eyes and silently handed back the vial. “What’ll I do adopt him without this then?” She asked, seeming lost and confused “I can’t be with him anymore, I do the want to be his prisoner anymore.”

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Tolly frowned and patted her on the shoulder gently. "We'll figure out something. I promise, we're not just gonna leave you alone with him. We're gonna make things better for you, it's just… a mistake with making the potion. We'll get back to you in no time, okay?"


She nodded slowly and offered a small smile to Tolly and Cas. “I’m no killer.” She glanced over to the dorms and frowned softly
Cas looked the way she did and sighed softly “you can always stay in an alternate home. The counselors would gladly move you one they hear your situation.”

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Tolly offered her a smile in return, though it slipped a little at her comment. "I know I've got a friend who can room with you, if you need. She's been looking for a roommate forever, and I know she'd help you stay safe."


The hurled looked with a soft smile “really? You think she’d mind? What if he goes and tries to find me, I wouldn’t want any of to get hurt because of me.”she looked up at Tolly and Cas, worry settling in once again. “Oh gods, what if he’s looking for me right now?”

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"Hey, hey, we're here for you right now." Tolly sat down next to her, leaving space so she could shy away if she wanted. "I promise we're not gonna let anybody hurt you. And I know for a fact that my friend wouldn't mind, as long as you don't mind the fact that she's got a nasty cold right now."


She stayed put, not knowing how to really respond to the two guys in front of her. “I think I’d rather get stuck with a cold than spend more time around him.” She said quietly, offering a small smile. “I’ll talk to the counselors in a bit and see if I can change. Who’s your friend?” She asked, tilting her head.
Cas smiled, glad that they were resolving. The problem. He felt bad about lying but knew that it’s be better than messing with the boys mind.

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Tolly practically beamed when she shyly accepted the offer, peeking over at Cas with a bright smile. They had done it! She could get away and they wouldn't even have to fuck with anyone's memories. "Her name is Caitlyn. Caitlyn Animus. I can walk you to the counselor's office, if you want."


The girl nodded, seemingly relaxing a bit. "y-yeah, if you don't mind. I've heard her name before. She seems really nice.I hope she doesn't mind a room mate." she stood and gathered her things. Can smiled reassuringly "I need to head back to the shop. I'll meet you back there in a bit. I'm glad we fixed all this," Was said, nodded as he walked back to the path that led to his little shop

Deleted user

"She won't," Tolly assured, taking the girl's hand gently so he could lead her down to the counselor's office. "In fact, I can walk you over to her house once we're done at the counselors. I've been acting as a bodyguard for my friends for years, I don't mind picking up the role again for a couple weeks.:

He grabbed Cas' hand with his free hand as he left, squeezing gently before he was off. "yeah, I'll see you babe."


The girl smiled shyly, not used to having anyone hold her hand. She followed him close, nervous that her boyfriend might come out of no where and hurt them.
Cas smiled, squeezing it gently. “See you later,” he walked off to the shop, glad that they were able to help the girl

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Tolly smiled and waved as Cad walked away, giving his attention back to the girl as they headed down the concrete path to Cait's dorm. "So… I don't think I got your name? I'm Antolya, but you can just call me Tolly if you want. Everyone does."


“Nice to meet you Tolly, I’m Lara. And thank you again for helping me, thank Cas for me too. I-I don’t know what day I’d do if I cave Chance the wrong potion. I’m not even sure what’d id do if I ever gave him the right one.” She glanced up at Tolly “have you ever been given a potion?”

Cas made it back to the shop around 3:30. His next class was at 5:00 so he didn’t mind staying a while longer. He started to sweep again, humming softly as he cleaned the shop

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Tolly nodded. "Well I'm glad we could help you find a better solution! To be honest, it's… not the best idea to try and potion yourself out of trouble. Especially with the way they leave things once they're worn off." He shrugged, giving her a soft smile when she glanced over at him. "And… yeah, I… I was actually pretty deep in a love potion when I met Cas. It's how we got together."


She nodded at his advice and peeked up when he mentioned how he and Cas met.
“Really? And you’re still sticking together? How does that not get at least a bit awkward?”

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Tolly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Well I had liked him for a long time beforehand, so it didn't really… affect me very much. Can't make me act differently if I'm already in love, right?"


Lara thought it over for a while before slowly nodding “yeah, I guess it can’t. I can see the same love you have for Castelon reflected back in his own eyes.” She smiled softly and stepped up to the dorm door. “Thanks again for everything. I understand why you took the potion. Thank you, and tell Cas I say thanks as well.”

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Tolly blushed a little, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, Cas is… real dear to me. I'm glad you think we go well together, and don't worry about us! It's always a pleasure to help!" He opened the door for her, gesturing for her to walk inside. "I'll be sure to pass along your thanks and everything, I hope you can have a better time living with Cait!"


Lara nodded, shyly stepping into the room "I'll get my stuff once i meet with the counselor. I can never thank you enough." she waved good bye as Tolly walked away.

Cas had finished cleaning the front of the store and was now walking between his dorm and the shop, getting the new ingredients. he had found some old vials in the back of the storage room and had cleaned them up nicely, planning to use them for now.

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Tolly bid Lara goodbye and headed for Cas' dorm. He knocked lightly to let Cas know he was there but didn't bother waiting for an answer before he swept inside, shutting the door behind him, toeing off his shoes, and plopping down on the couch with a soft sigh. "Cas, babe, do you have cable?"


Cas peaked out from his bedroom where he was sorting out various herbs and spices. “Hey! You’re back! No but I have Netflix.” He set aside his little task and joined Tolly on couch, giving him a kiss on the cheek before relaxing against him, “how’s the girl? Did she adjust well?”

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"Yeah, I dropped Lara off at Cait's house, I think she's gonna do great over there Cait's been complaining about not having a roommate for forever." Tolly wrapped his arms around Cas' waist, getting him settled comfortably on his chest, chin tucked lazily top Cas' shoulder. "I didn't say to watch them meet, but I texted Cait beforehand and she seemed pretty excited."


"That's good, I'm glad Cait is willingly accepting Lara. I hope she's feeling better. He nuzzled Tolly's hair with a soft smile "sorry if I smell like herbs and spices, I found a stash in my room that can be used for now." He rested his head back on Tolly's chest and shut his eyes

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"She's teting, and that can only mean improvement. She always calls when she's really sick." Tolly tucked his head on top of Cas's, pressing a kiss to his fluffy hair. He really didn't smell all that different from normal, just a little earthier. "And I like it, you smell like a garden."