forum A witchy one on one (closed)
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Cas helped her up from her corner and brought her over at the counter.
"Alright, so this plan of yours, you you think it'll really work?" she asked, sitting at one of the stools that hadn't been destroyed. Cas nodded, pulling out a few vials and jars from the pile. "Tolly, can you get the jar with purple liquid in the back?"he asked, looking around behind the counter for something.

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Tolly kept his confusion off his face as he went back to fetch the jar, walking back with it in his hands after spending a few minutes staring aimlessly the seemingly endless shelves of ingredients. "Here you go, sweetheart. Are… are you really going to help her?"


“Thank you, and yeah. Just not the way she initially wanted.” He said softly, mixing all the ingredients together save for the purple liquid. He found a glass bottle with a cork and added the liquid to it, filling it half way. He added the other ingredients and shook up the bottle. He set that aside and pulled out a small info card. Cas started to write the instructions on how to use the potion. “Alright, one to two drops of this in whatever drink you can give him should work. give this to him for 7 days and he should forget about who he is to you completely. He’ll still remember you as a classsmate and in casual conversation he’ll want nothing to do with you. Ok?”

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Tolly swallowed and nodded, stepping back so Cas could get to work. He winced softly when Cas explained the dosage, but he didn't do much more than shuffle back a few steps and then turn to the shelves so he could reorganize instead of thinking about all the things that could go wrong here.


The girl thanked them both and left the store with a hopeful smile. Cas smiled softly and glanced over at Tolly. “What’s wrong love?” He asked softly as he started to put back the ingredients

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"It's nothing, sweetpea." Tolly gave Cas a weak smile, meandering over to wrap him up in a hug. "I think you found the best solution you could."


Cas leaned into him and reached up to kiss his chin “nothing can turn into something, tell me,” he pressed gently, watching Tolly worriedly

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Tolly sighed, kissing the top of Cas' head. "He's gonna be mad when he finds out. And… confused before he does. Scared. It's never good to make people like that scared, they lash out."


"Hopefully he doesn't find out..ever." he turned in Tolly's hold and gazed up at him "do you want me to stop her? there are other ways to get her help, not just potions. there's therapy and adults that could help, probably better than what I could do."

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"He'll find out," Tolly said, kissing the top of Cas's head. "Not now, not for a while, but… soon. Because guys like that have friends who push them too hard to let them stop being awful, even if they can't remember the point of it."


“I didn’t think of that…” he glanced to the door “we should go after her.” He glanced up at Tolly, his words cementing worry in his consciousness

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Tolly nodded and dropped his arms, grabbing Cas' and so he could pull him out the door. "Yeah, it's… we should go before she doses him."

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Tolly let go of him once they were outside, too caught up in looking for the girl to yank him around. She was;t in view anymore, and that made him anxious. "You check the street to the right, I'll check to the left of the shop."


Cas nodded and broke off to the street to the right, weaving through the campus and scanning around for the girl while also keeping an eye out for the group of boys an her boyfriend. He decided to go to the main building to ask any of the counselors or teachers

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Tolly searched his side of street and then, when he inevitably pulled up short, walked back to the shop and started trying to suss out the girl's scent. It was hard at first. Herbs overpowered nearly everything except for Cas, and the air was thick with a scent of fear so cloying and sharp it almost hurt his nose to track.


Cas walked hurriedly to the counseling office and made his way to an open door. He knocked on the door and went inside "uhm hi…" he said, recognizing his counselor teacher.
"Ah Mr Glass, what can i help you with?" she gestured to a chair and smiled politely. "uhm, i was just wondering if you knew a girl, I've been trying to find her, I think i gave her the wrong potion and need to get it back." he half lied

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Tolly followed the girl's scent down the street and into the counselor's office, startling when he saw Cas and Mrs. Gienconna. "I… I think my friend came by here?" he said, turning towards the counselor with a worried smile. "Tall, blonde hair, seems kinda worried? I think she got a bad potion from my friend here."


Cas nodded and back up towards Tolly. The counselor nodded. “I’ll see what I can do, if she’s not on campus then I’ll call local police. In the meantime while I make the announcement, you boys can wait I meant here if you’d like or you can see if you can find her.”

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Tolly gave her a look of complete and utter relief. "Thank you so much! I'm gonna keep looking for her, but I'm sure it'll be much easier to find her with other people on alert. Cas, you wanna come with?"


Cas nodded and thanked the counselor. He followed Tolly out. “Nothing yet huh? Let’s hope she hadn’t found her boyfriend.”

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"She hasn't, she's got this kind of… hopeful scent." Tolly picked up her trail with a bit of difficulty, leading Cas over to one of the parks for students who live on campus. "Joyful. She'd be more bitter or scared if she found him."


“So there’s still a chance we could find her.” He concluded, looking around in case he caught a glimpse of the girl.

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Tolly was still sniffing around the bushes, though he started to catch on when he saw what Cas was looking at. "Hey! You… You've got the wrong potion!"


The girl looked up from her lunch and tilted her head “uhm, hey? I do?” She stood, the potion in her hand. Cas stopped in front of her and nodded “yeah, sorry but you can’t give that to him.”