forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

What do I say? Do I mention my faint annoyance over something that really doesn't matter? How would I do that? How much do I say? I HAVE MANY QUESTIONS

@Pickles group

How much is an acceptable time to wait before I answer? Because he responded right away but idk what to say and it's already been five minutes

Deleted user

Okay Pickles. Breath. Say 'Oh. I thought you were still mad about that one thing. Glad you aren't.' Maybe ask if your still friends.

Deleted user

Also say 'sorry had to use the bathroom' which will explain your long response


You know what a I freaking hate. Well, a lot but mainly, those girls who are A)clearly an alto, but want to be a soprano. To those girls, I hope you loose your voice. And B) those girls who, when I’m trying to show a song that means a lot to me, that I know they have never heard before, and they try to sing along to it. To those girls, I hope you realize that you ruined a very special song for me and made my day ever more scrappy than it already was.

Deleted user

So I didn't know my sink nozzle was detachable

Until I accidentally pulled it off and got hosed down.


I’m extremely good at hiding tears

I broke down again today, this time in the front seat of a mostly empty class in front of multiple other people including some parents who were watching to make sure we’re all okay, and somehow not a single person noticed???

I managed to position my jacket in a way that didn’t look too suspicious but still covered my entire face, so any tears were absorbed and my bright red nose wasn’t visible. I also looked down at my notebook the entire time, pretending to jot things down, so the teacher would think I was still paying attention despite the lack of eye contact.
I’m also really silent so that helps
And I guess by the time I got to leave my face had cleared up because my dad didn’t notice a thing

And this isn’t the only time
I cry an average of 1-3 times each day, all without anyone noticing.
No one in real life would describe me as “that person who cries at everything”, even though, to me, that’s my most obvious trait, and the best way to describe me.

…So I guess I finally have a talent


At least you have found something you can use. Doubtless you already know how useful this skill can be. My goodness you make me want to say Poor baby and make things better.

Me too broski.
Also Ella I discovered that same thing.
A year ago today, in fact.
But you don't have to hide them with us. Things are making you angry, or sad, or scared, and you know, that's alright. I urge you, share with us, if you wish of course.
You are loved

Deleted user

I love all of you guys here, however short a time I've been on this site. Please stay safe! Take care of yourselves, drink water, get to bed on time, just be healthy because I don't want anything bad to happen to you guys!

@Pickles group

I love all of you guys here, however short a time I've been on this site. Please stay safe! Take care of yourselves, drink water, get to bed on time, just be healthy because I don't want anything bad to happen to you guys!


Deleted user

When feeling depressed, I highly recommend listening to Florence + The Machine, my friend recommended her to me yesterday and I am in LOVE with her album, Lungs.

Deleted user

Or bake something/eat something sweet/salty, something you like to eat. Or try yoga, I know it's cliche but exsercize (how u spell? I know I'm getting it wrong) literally releases the happy endrofins in your brain and it's v. good.

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