forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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…My mom has a meeting on Wednesday, she won’t be able to take me to “suffer school” and I was planning on telling her as we’re driving home, so my entire plan is ruined.
I could tell my dad but as much as I love & trust him I’m not sure if I’m ready for that yet…

Which means I don’t get another opportunity until the Wednesday after, which surprise surprise just so happens to be the day before Halloween, so we’ll probably be too busy to go, ruining the plan once again

And then once November hits, so does all the chaos, with event after event on each and every day until January, which always causes my mom way more stress than she can handle, and I don’t want to add to that. Plus she wouldn’t have the time or money to help me, it would just be unnecessary pain.

And then, because time itself clearly wanted to send me a massive “F you and your health”, both Christmas and New Year’s fall on Wednesdays.

suffering noise

…Maybe sometime soon I’ll have another event or something to attend where I can talk to her, but until then, I have absolutely no options. She’s too busy to talk to just one of her children at once…

I just wanted to be okay again

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Okay, Jake

I also put a spoiler over your comment to keep our children innocent

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…My mom has a meeting on Wednesday, she won’t be able to take me to “suffer school” and I was planning on telling her as we’re driving home, so my entire plan is ruined.
I could tell my dad but as much as I love & trust him I’m not sure if I’m ready for that yet…

Which means I don’t get another opportunity until the Wednesday after, which surprise surprise just so happens to be the day before Halloween, so we’ll probably be too busy to go, ruining the plan once again

And then once November hits, so does all the chaos, with event after event on each and every day until January, which always causes my mom way more stress than she can handle, and I don’t want to add to that. Plus she wouldn’t have the time or money to help me, it would just be unnecessary pain.

And then, because time itself clearly wanted to send me a massive “F you and your health”, both Christmas and New Year’s fall on Wednesdays.

suffering noise

…Maybe sometime soon I’ll have another event or something to attend where I can talk to her, but until then, I have absolutely no options. She’s too busy to talk to just one of her children at once…

I just wanted to be okay again

That's very altruistic of you to hold off on telling her, Ella. Does it have to be on a Wednesday?


Does it have to be on a Wednesday?

I know I use my siblings as an excuse for everything, but it really is difficult to find a time during the day when I can talk to my mom in private without having to fight for her attention from my brothers asking for yet another snack

The only consistent time each week that I’m able to talk with her in peace is on Wednesday nights, when we’re driving home. She’s not flooded with calls/texts, she’s not being asked to make food, she’s not cleaning, it’s just awkward silence for 30 minutes.

So it doesn’t necessarily have to be on a Wednesday, it just has to be a time where we’re alone and not busy, which only ever happens on Wednesdays.

I might be able to find some other time before November hits but I doubt it, my only other chance that I know of was last Saturday and I blew it


@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Does it have to be on a Wednesday?

I know I use my siblings as an excuse for everything, but it really is difficult to find a time during the day when I can talk to my mom in private without having to fight for her attention from my brothers asking for yet another snack

The only consistent time each week that I’m able to talk with her in peace is on Wednesday nights, when we’re driving home. She’s not flooded with calls/texts, she’s not being asked to make food, she’s not cleaning, it’s just awkward silence for 30 minutes.

So it doesn’t necessarily have to be on a Wednesday, it just has to be a time where we’re alone and not busy, which only ever happens on Wednesdays.

I might be able to find some other time before November hits but I doubt it, my only other chance that I know of was last Saturday and I blew it

Try putting a note or something somewhere your mom is likely to find it (somewhere the note wont get disturbed if possible) saying that you need a 1-on-1/face-to-face conversation with her asap…. Hell, txting her saying that you need to talk would work too!


does anyone else ever just feel like shit for no specific reason? like suddenly i’m so sad and upset and idk why,, like i have hw and it’s not even that hard but i’m like crying about it?? help??

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I had a pretty bad breakdown a few days ago. Like I was sitting there on my phone, eating grapes. Chilling. And then suddenly I just started crying, like I had an urge. And then I calmed down. And then I started crying and this happened a few days until my boyfriend called and was able to get me to calm down. No reason what so ever.


Does it have to be on a Wednesday?

I know I use my siblings as an excuse for everything, but it really is difficult to find a time during the day when I can talk to my mom in private without having to fight for her attention from my brothers asking for yet another snack

The only consistent time each week that I’m able to talk with her in peace is on Wednesday nights, when we’re driving home. She’s not flooded with calls/texts, she’s not being asked to make food, she’s not cleaning, it’s just awkward silence for 30 minutes.

So it doesn’t necessarily have to be on a Wednesday, it just has to be a time where we’re alone and not busy, which only ever happens on Wednesdays.

I might be able to find some other time before November hits but I doubt it, my only other chance that I know of was last Saturday and I blew it

How about just before you go to bed, eh?


How about just before you go to bed, eh?

I tried that once… I walked out of my room, filled my water, and before I could even think about talking to my mom both of my little sisters came storming out looking for me because they cannot physically stay in their room without an older child watching them for more than 2 minutes.

…So unfortunately that won’t work either, unless I wait until they’re asleep, which doesn’t happen until like 10:30, which is when my mom usually goes to bed.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

@NutEllaDraws Try putting a note or something somewhere your mom is likely to find it (somewhere the note wont get disturbed if possible) saying that you need a 1-on-1/face-to-face conversation with her asap…. Hell, txting her saying that you need to talk would work too!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It may be a little awkward, but you need to talk to your parents about your mental health and should do what you must to talk to them; its of the utmost importance that you speak to them and inform them Ella!

I didn't mean to do a small rant. Mental health is an extremely personal matter for anyone that should be taken seriously.

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Deleted user

Okay, Jake

I also put a spoiler over your comment to keep our children innocent

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