forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers


We were at the airport , and i forgot that a bottle of face wash was in my hand luggage. damn. that sucks. but no biggy right. well apparently HUGE BIGGY CUZ THIS MUST PORTRAY HOW i dunno what i was going to do with my life, and how could iexpect to ever do anything with it WhEN i FoRgOT A FacEwASH iN My LuGGaGe.

I hate the TSA with a loathing from my deepest soul.

TSA kinda loves me lmaoo
Nah but actually it is pretty tiring to get "randomly chosen" almost every single time and it always feels like they're making everything a bigger deal than it needs be

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oooh I feel you. It's so annoying to be an Arab family while in an airport. At one point this vape thing exploded and my mom and sister, who were traveling just met eyes with this Persian lady and were like "Do we run?"


We were at the airport , and i forgot that a bottle of face wash was in my hand luggage. damn. that sucks. but no biggy right. well apparently HUGE BIGGY CUZ THIS MUST PORTRAY HOW i dunno what i was going to do with my life, and how could iexpect to ever do anything with it WhEN i FoRgOT A FacEwASH iN My LuGGaGe.

I hate the TSA with a loathing from my deepest soul.

Can i ask wut tsa means?


transportation security admission or something. security, basically

Oh. Right. Dummy me. But y do u get chosen randomly ? (My european self is tryna understand this i guess? Unless its just me who never realised)


my ex's last name is a pakistani name but he's white passing and they've gotten picked more times than he can count and it gets pretty fuckin annoying

Deleted user

soooooooo the ex i like….me and him got back together!! call me desperate but he's a damn tease for almost kissing me that i said screw it and i kissed him , hard. and he didn't stop me. in fact he actually kissed back and i said i wanted to be his again, and he said same here, so POOF back in a relationship !

Deleted user

Hey Jake that's cool!

yee which is great too because he's BISEXUAL, and knows the fact that im trans. also how do you guys hide hickys?


does anyone else ever have the feeling that they’re the friend in the group who is the least important so they try to be extra nice and helpful to make up for it?


Hey Jake that's cool!

yee which is great too because he's BISEXUAL, and knows the fact that im trans. also how do you guys hide hickys?

-high collars
-next time y'all fool around, ask them to keep them from the point where the neck meets the shoulder and down from there (btw there's a muscle between ur neck and shoulder that fucks so hard it's so good for hickeys bro)
-thick foundation, layered


I hate to be that person but as the creator of this thread it would be greatly appreciated if you could either continue this conversation under a spoiler

or change the subject entirely, cause I'm a wimp who's absolutely terrified to the point of panic when it comes to anything more than hugs

thank you for understanding

Deleted user

I'm repeating what you said but with more aggression:


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