forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers

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Also I thought the coming out deal went decently.

It did, but apparently now it didn't??

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If anyone wants to know the state of my life right now I am currently eating cereal angrily with a fork while also loudly attempting to give myself positive messages so I don’t stab myself before lunchtime

This is so sad but also hilarious tbh.

Deleted user

Oof. I learned from OSP that depression is like if your brain went Communist and seized the means of production of dopamine.


Deleted user

Oof. I learned from OSP that depression is like if your brain went Communist and seized the means of production of dopamine.

let's just call my brain China then

@Cookies group

fvydbsuvgbws i just murdered myself through time
i wrote one of my character's favorite candy bar is snickers-
yo u'r e not y ou wh en you 'r e hu n gr y – -
@ past me s TO P

Deleted user

So I'm chilling on a bench and suddenly these three women in witch hats, extremely detailed dresses and shawls, and amazing boots come around the corner, talking.
You best believe I marched myself up to them and had a conversation with my fellow witch bitches.

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