forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

arghhhhh i'm so frustrated
first of all i was trying to install a linux app on my chromebook, a text editor to be exact
and then that took up space so i accidentally deleted all of my downloads and i'm so frustrated gaaaaaaah
and now the stupid app won't even install
okay my rant is done, just needed to let that out

@Pickles group

Apparently my "friend" in my section invited our entire section but me to her birthday party and she wants to be section leader next year but she'll be a junior and I'll be a senior which NO fuck her I'm sick of her and all her friends because they're all awful.

Deleted user

Everything hurts. I don't want joints, can I return them and get a refund?


I just want to say that having a SO that has depression and has been suicidal in the past while you yourself are filled with anxiety (and have also been suicidal and can be triggered by certain things pertaining to suicide), which causes you to worry immensely when aforementioned SO is in a depressive state, is a very difficult thing to deal with.

@Mojack group

I swear if my wisdom teeth are growing in I’m gonna die (not literally but..)

I’ve has most of my baby teeth pulled because they have long roots that do not disintegrate. I’m missing some adult teeth because for some reason, Mother Nature decided not to give them to me. I still have a baby tooth left and one of my adult teeth is positioned weirdly because it’s getting pushed off to the side. I’ve had around 3 infected teeth, all of which were molars (Had to be removed), I have three broken teeth (two fixed, one needs a filling), one of my adult teeth is smaller than my previous baby teeth and the root is also unusually small meaning it could fall out at some point in my life.
I lost my first baby tooth a few years after my friends were losing their last few baby teeth.
I still have tooth shards in my mouth, that I might need surgery for if they don’t come out.

Not to mention the tooth implants I’ll need in the future to replace missing teeth (the adults that I just don’t have for some reason) and then after that, braces.

And recently I can feel a tooth growing in the back of my mouth and it causes me physical pain in the mornings. I think I have a dentist appointment coming up soon so that’s good?
Still, I’m a bit younger than I should for the average age of getting wisdom teeth so I’m just gonna go out on a limb and say that they’re not wisdom teeth. (But if they are, I’ll probably have to get them removed…because I don’t have room in my mouth for wisdoms.)

Boy, I got lucky with my teeth, didn’t I.


We were at the airport , and i forgot that a bottle of face wash was in my hand luggage. damn. that sucks. but no biggy right. well apparently HUGE BIGGY CUZ THIS MUST PORTRAY HOW i dunno what i was going to do with my life, and how could iexpect to ever do anything with it WhEN i FoRgOT A FacEwASH iN My LuGGaGe.

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