forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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or is it just me feeling like having a mental breakdown

@GameMaster group

Unfortunately my depression is pretty mild so I might not be able to help you but it is a known fact that I give out the best prompts so if you need something to write to keep your mind off things I’m your guy.


I'm super sorry this is really off topic and I've literally never posted on this chat before but goddamnit i need to rant/vent about this lol. Also there is cussing. My apologies

Does anyone else hate it when they work super hard perfecting the details of a new RP, getting a good storyline, character ideas, prompts, etc, and post it, only to see just A FEW FUCKING MINUTES LATER that someone has posted "(insert topic of your RP) one one one" and then the inside is just "idk I really felt like RPing a circus rp and i want it to have like some fantasy elements so like supernatural creatures are fine" and I'm like "???????" They literally stole my fucking idea, except worse????? Like ??? Why???? It's happened before too and I'm so sick of the fucking bullshit like this. Someone comes up with an amazing rp that you can tell they put love, time, and work into creating and then there's copycats that are nowhere near as good and just,,,,,,, fucking HELL it's annoying.

Deleted user


I've had that happen to me too. :( I'm sorry someone stole your idea


Yeah….I'm just pissed about it lol. Because if you're going to rip off someone's idea, maybe give credit to the original person??? Like is that so hard to do???

@saor_illust school

Or at least ask, y'know? A lot of times, people who have a really awesome idea for an rp are willing to do it in another, separate rp with you in my experience, and all you have to do is ask.


there aint no respect in the RP community


Or at least ask, y'know? A lot of times, people who have a really awesome idea for an rp are willing to do it in another, separate rp with you in my experience, and all you have to do is ask.

True tho. I've done it so many times, and the creator is always like "sure! I'll PM you!"

@saor_illust school

okay guys get ready, this is going to be one of the few times that i actually vent:

so, i was on discord
some random guy sends me a friend request and a message that says "hi"
we talk for like two seconds and then he's like
like and comment on all my vids? i'll sub you back
and sends a link
i'm like, well if he's that desperate, then sureee??
i follow the link and that gets me to a sign in screen in another language, spanish i presume
i switch devices to my laptop so signing in is easier
but before i did that
i logged in with my main google account and nothing happened
and then i did an alt, just in case it was a scam
and like one minute later
google's like "recovery email to your alt account changed"
and i'm like oh crap it was a scam
and then the guy tries to login on my main account and of course
(thanks google for the security i appreciate that, even if you are watching my every step, idc much)
i block the sign in attempt because now he knows my password to it so then i ended up having to change both the passwords for both accounts

all in all, i feel so stupid for falling for it, the link was so suspicious, it should've lead to a channel, and this guy claims it's a "private" channel but nowhere on the link did it say "" and only after i think about it which is after i login with google twice i realize it might be a scam i'm so dumbbbb

@saor_illust school

also, this guy is really good because i just changed my password and it's 2 in the morning and i was trying to sleep but then my phone went off and ofc i check it because i'm the target of a scam and sure enough the guy already has my new password. SHURI I COULD REALLY USE YOUR HELP RIGHT NOW I FEEL LIKE I'M HAVING A PANIC ATTACK BUT I KNOW I'M NOT BUT I DEFINITELY AM FREAKING OUT HELPPPPPPPPPP


Izzy can I help in any way?? Try to take deep breaths, ok?
In for 4.
Hold for 3.
Out for 4.
Shut your eyes, maybe, try to zone out of what's happening and just think about something else while breathing steadily okay?

Deleted user

try and focus on something, maybe a texture, a sound or an object and describe it to yourself

eh. wood: rough, cold

Deleted user

wait, did we have this discussion in the lgbt group? because if not why is everyone going to ob’s all of a sudden?? aha

Deleted user

I literally had the best night ever last night

i'm glad babe <3

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