forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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i just, she was 11, how could he say that to an 11 year old?

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Ruby, I understand. What he said was horrible, I'm sorry you two had to hear it. But there isn't anything we can do right this second, is there?

Deleted user

Ruby, I understand. What he said was horrible, I'm sorry you two had to hear it. But there isn't anything we can do right this second, is there?

no, just let me live it..

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Have I mentioned lately how much I hate being a girl??

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Have I mentioned lately how much I hate being a girl??

That sucks

Like, hate it. There is, like, one thing I like about it.

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Hair (well on the head) That's my favorite thing about being a girl.

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Hey uhm can someone give me some health tips? My Week O' Hell started today and I've been having some seriously bad cramps like I nearly cried and I feel like throwing up. I didn't ear very much lunch as a result. Anyways. I have no cramp pills and the nurse won't give me any unless I have a doctors note. Stretching out sometimes helps but sometimes so does sitting up. Right now it's dropped to barely tolerable, on a pain scale…right now it's maybe a 4 but it spikes up to about a 6 maybe 7? Inbetween there. Thanks love you all!

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Eat fruit, I know it's hard, but try, and drink water.

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I ate fruit and chugged my milk. I can't really do anything until I get home.

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Okay, so here's the sitch:
I'm Catholic, and I went to bible study for a really long time. Two years ago, I dropped out for the year because tbh, I've always hated it. Last year, my grade didn't have a teacher, so I didn't have to go again. This year, it looks like I'll have a teacher, and– Here's the thing that makes this such a big decision– In order to do confirmation, I have to attend this year.

I'm really caught on the fence about what to do. I mean, this is a literally a life changing decision. I don't like church. I don't see myself going to church once I'm on my own and my mom isn't forcing me to anymore. I believe in God and I read my bible, but I prefer to do these things alone, you know? But part of me thinks, "what if someday you suddenly get really religious or something, and wish you had done confirmation, and this and that." And the thing is, confirmation is really strict, at least in my church. To put it very, very simply, part of it is a vow to continue going to church for the rest of my life. And I don't see that happening.

I don't know if I want to keep taking the class. I don't know if I want to be confirmed. I don't know what to do.

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