forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Right but I need your help because I have n o i d e a what to do

@Pickles group

One thing I think it was my youth pastor maybe said last week was that church becomes a chore when you think of it as a religious obligation rather than something you get to do and that probably doesn't change anything but whatever

Deleted user

An expectation to be in church always

And what do you get if you don't do it?

Family shame and a lost opportunity

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Do have done it, I guess
I wish I didn't have to make this decision now
I won't even do confirmation for four more years, who knows where I'll be then??

@Echo_6 group

Something that my youth pastor has taught me is that, what matters isn't that you go to church, or read your bible or go to a class, it's that you believe and trust in Him. So trust in Him and He'll lead you to the place you need to be.

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That's kind of what I'm thinking. Thank you Rachel. That was helpful.

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I actually have something to do today for once, so I'm gonna go try to find something cuter to wear {it's not gonna work and I'm r e a d y for that lol}
Wish me luck

Deleted user

The way I see it is that the Big Guy™ knows your heart. He will know that you still truly believe in Him even if you are conflicted about church itself. Besides faith is a very private affair. It's between you and Him. Not you, Him, and 50 million other people. If you're not ready, then you're not ready. Pastors are supposed to understand that in life there is a fluctuation of faith, and should not judge when someone feels conflicted. Of course they will try to guide you back, but in the end the decision is up to you.

When I left the church many years ago, it was devastating and hard, but I knew in my heart that I would always be welcomed back should my life lead me back to it. (It hasn't but me and the Big Guy™ are on interesting terms) Leaving is sometimes a good thing too. Just remember you can always go back to finish what you started.

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