forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Echo_6 group

I am so done with people asking me the question, "are you okay?" especially when they don't actually want an answer. They want the typical, "Yeah, fine." Because I'm not fine, everyone else just wants to believe I'm fine because they don't want my garbage. And I understand why. No one wants to listen to someone, who is an emotional wreck. No one wants to hear about the girl that is constantly hearing voices in her head telling her that she isn't good enough, that she's the worst, and everyone hates her. No one wants to hear about depression and anxiety. And I understand that. I live with it, and I don't want to deal with it. I constantly make sure I am always there for my friends. I'm always there for them. I was there for them when they turned their backs on me, and when my best friend blamed me for something I didn't do. I'm always there for them because they see me as the strong one. I never show when people's words get to me. Even when they call me a sheltered child, they make fun of how I talk or when they call me every name they can possibly come up with. I'm the strong one in their eyes, so things aren't suppose to get to me right? Well sometimes I don't want to be the strong one. Sometimes I want to be the one that can break down on someone's shoulder. To let it all out. But it seems like whenever I try to ask for help or I need someone to break down on… I look around and realize that I have no one to cry on. They don't want to see their strong friend show any weakness, so they brush it off and pretend like it didn't happen. I try not to let anyone feel alone because I know how it feels to be left completely alone. I hate hearing the phrase "You're Fine." Because I'm not fine, but no one wants to see that. And I understand why, because it's not fun, and it hurts to see your friend in so much pain. But that shouldn't be an excuse to disappear when they need you.

Okay I'm done now.


I am so done with people asking me the question, "are you okay?" especially when they don't actually want an answer. They want the typical, "Yeah, fine." Because I'm not fine, everyone else just wants to believe I'm fine because they don't want my garbage. And I understand why. No one wants to listen to someone, who is an emotional wreck. No one wants to hear about the girl that is constantly hearing voices in her head telling her that she isn't good enough, that she's the worst, and everyone hates her. No one wants to hear about depression and anxiety. And I understand that. I live with it, and I don't want to deal with it. I constantly make sure I am always there for my friends. I'm always there for them. I was there for them when they turned their backs on me, and when my best friend blamed me for something I didn't do. I'm always there for them because they see me as the strong one. I never show when people's words get to me. Even when they call me a sheltered child, they make fun of how I talk or when they call me every name they can possibly come up with. I'm the strong one in their eyes, so things aren't suppose to get to me right? Well sometimes I don't want to be the strong one. Sometimes I want to be the one that can break down on someone's shoulder. To let it all out. But it seems like whenever I try to ask for help or I need someone to break down on… I look around and realize that I have no one to cry on. They don't want to see their strong friend show any weakness, so they brush it off and pretend like it didn't happen. I try not to let anyone feel alone because I know how it feels to be left completely alone. I hate hearing the phrase "You're Fine." Because I'm not fine, but no one wants to see that. And I understand why, because it's not fun, and it hurts to see your friend in so much pain. But that shouldn't be an excuse to disappear when they need you.

Okay I'm done now.

My PMs are open. Always. I understand partially how you feel. Being the 'strong one'.
I've endured the same thing.
I'm here to talk to if you want.
I'm always here.
I'd take on an army for anyone on this site, and I'd like to extend an invitation to you.
I really hope this doesn't trigger anything and I'm sorry if it does.


Idk, you've always seemed the comforting, wise older sibling.

Well thanks but you give off that vibe too

…really? ;awoeifjawioj I'm a potato child but thank you.


Idk, you've always seemed the comforting, wise older sibling.

Well thanks but you give off that vibe too

…really? ;awoeifjawioj I'm a potato child but thank you.

A beautiful potato child uwu

@Echo_6 group

@Shuri, it doesn't trigger anything. Thank you, if I ever need someone to talk to I know there are people here that I can turn to at least. And, as I stated, I'm also always willing to listen to anyone who just needs someone to listen.


Idk, you've always seemed the comforting, wise older sibling.

Well thanks but you give off that vibe too

…really? ;awoeifjawioj I'm a potato child but thank you.

A beautiful potato child uwu


@Shuri, it doesn't trigger anything. Thank you, if I ever need someone to talk to I know there are people here that I can turn to at least. And, as I stated, I'm also always willing to listen to anyone who just needs someone to listen.

Alright ^.^

Deleted user

My boyfriend made an account on this site and I'm freaking WHEEZING at his bio it's such a mood

@Pickles group

@The_Demon_Warrior a lot of times when I ask if someone's okay, I know they're going to say they're fine but I want them to know I noticed, if that makes any sense?


@Shuri, it doesn't trigger anything. Thank you, if I ever need someone to talk to I know there are people here that I can turn to at least. And, as I stated, I'm also always willing to listen to anyone who just needs someone to listen.

I've been in that exact position so, so many times. Please, feel free to come talk to me if ever it gets too much. I'm always here for you cause I know how that feels

@saor_illust school

@The_Demon_Warrior Look, I used to think that I had no-one to turn to, then I met all of you wonderful humans! Suddenly I didn't feel so alone anymore. Even then sometimes I don't share everything, but y'know, we're all here for you.

Alright that was the cheesiest thing ever, but every thing that I just wrote is 100% true

Deleted user


The fact that you are able to put others before yourself is an admirable quality, one that many people should work on. But it does take a toll. And that toll can be the worst emotional hurricane that you will probably ever feel. It sucks, it really does, but it is okay to not be okay. It is okay to feel angry and hurt and sad all at once. The important thing is to acknowledge how you feel instead of bottling it up. Let it out and take a moment, or a day, or a week, for yourself to heal. If your friends are true then they will understand that even the strongest of them feels small sometimes.
Not for a single moment should you feel guilty about taking time for self care. It's incredibly important just to cry and let loose and focus on what makes you happy because at the end of the day the most important thing in your life is you.


I got my braces tightened and it’s all fine eXCEPT FOR THE ONE TOOTH THAT IS IN SO MUCH FRICKEN PAIN! IT HURTS! I HAVE TO 50 pages of homework today and ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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