forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Deleted user

That's great. And seriously, remember, he's somewhere better now. I'm very, very sorry for your loss, but remember that he was surrounded by family and was already having a rough time.
We're all here if you want to talk.

@GameMaster group

I have such a bad headache it’s not even funny anymore. (Sorry about your loss. I shouldn’t be talking about my stupid problem when you’re actually going through something.)

@Mojack group


I'm doing okay. We did find his wife yesterday and got her to sign papers for a funeral.

And yes, I believe he's in a better place now. He had dementia for a very long time, and it was sad to see, but he was surrounded by family at least, and taken care of.

@GameMaster group

Where does it hurt?

It burns in between my eyes. Feels kinda like a head rush that’s gone on for hours. I get a lot of headaches so I should be used to it.


Condolences to you Mojack! Lots of hugs. He is in a better place now and I bet he had an amazing life.

Not trying to be heartless but-
Now I will try lighten the mood. My hair is a wee bit BLONDER than I wanted and a wee bit less RED then I wanted

Again, not meaning to seem heartless.. just tryin to lighten the mood.

I can’t stand sad or uncomfortable things so I try to be positive. My app if that offended anyone.

Deleted user

Sounds like a tension headache. Try ice/heat, a shower or bath, and taking a break from screens.


Loll, cold water usually helps, or at least hydrates you. In fact, everyone reading this? You’re probably not drinking enough water. Go drink some.


Aeropostale is like to only place that carries my pants size because I'm heccing tiny as H e c c

Yo did you get that checked out with a doctor? Your weight and BMI?


I weigh like, 85 pounds which makes my bmi 15.5 oof. I wear 000 pants because everything else is too big, sometimes I even have to wear a belt with 000 (it's usually okay though)

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