forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 117 followers


I don’t really know… all these little stresses and issues keep piling up and I guess it just kind of hit me with a brick all of a sudden
Like I was just scrolling through my Instagram feed, suddenly decided “hey I feel like absolute garbage” and started crying
No sad posts, no harsh words, no idiotic mistakes… nothing


Have you ever considered that maybe being this positive influencer online has been wearing you down? Sometimes I feel like you feel pressured to always be the happy one, the angelic girl who cheers everyone up - and trust me, you are that. But it's okay to not feel that way. And maybe doing that for so long is tiring you?


I agree, Ella you don't have to be the happy-go-lucky angel, if you don't want. And if you do want you definitely don't have to be that way all the time, we love you for who you are, and you've made so many great contributions to this site that you could be a little bit surly for the rest of your life on here, and you'd still be known as a very, very good person. Just take some time to eat something sweet, or get some rest, or have a good cry, or if you're still able to go take a shower.

Also is it possible that it is hormones? Bc that happens to me and it's a bummer and one time I waterlogged a pillow with tears to the point where I was dehydrated.

Deleted user

you have not answered my question
Do you, great birb video dealer, have any videos of parrots doing the wiggle?
You know, the thing when they're chirping and they just kinda


Because we went on a car trip where we were in the car for the majority of the day and despite hydrating just fine (well, as fine as I get with hydration), and stopping multiple times, I physically could not go to the bathroom because I get so anxious. There's always other people in them (wow can't imagine why) and like, I just don't feel safe. The stalls are so open and some of them don't even lock and people trying to open the door while you're in there is like, the most terrifying thing for me


No it's been like that for pretty much my entire life but it got worse when I actually got anxiety. (I was fine when I got home, btw, and I'd gone over 24 hours without using the bathroom). I've never used the bathroom at my school for all four years I've been there


Like, I'm usually pretty dehydrated, so it's not unlikely that I only go to the bathroom 1-3 times in a day. Something about public bathrooms just really scares me tho. Even at my house, if I can hear people right near or outside the bathroom door, I just like, can't. Thanks fear of people


Also. Everyone on this site. I'm looking at you, too, Ella. Y'all need to drink more water.

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