forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Small vent here.

Hey that plant that my neighbors just dumped their trash in? Yeah, that plant was the very first one I planted when I was a kid. I grew up with that plant and I took care of it everyday. The plant's name is Snow fucking White and my neighbors better run if they don't want to face my wrath. I will scoop out their poop with my shovel then spray water down their wind pipe until they drown. And then beat them mercilessly and let their blood be Snow White's water for a while. (Not really, I don't know what that would do to my bb) Then I will feed their corpses to their very own dogs.

@GameMaster group

I do it with the little wigglies ~ because the image things take up a lot of space. Enjoy. I always have more.

Deleted user

Oh, Lori, that plant sounds important to you, I'm so sorry they did that but that whole post was a mood


Lori oh, I'm so sorry they did that to your little baby, I kind of know that feeling really. And I just want to say that no matter what I'm here to talk to, or to listen for you, and if you need some wholesome memes I can help.

Deleted user

Oh, Lori, that plant sounds important to you, I'm so sorry they did that but that whole post was a mood

Thank you lol. I got my revenge though so it's alright.

Deleted user

Also, Shuri, do you have any videos of parrots doing the wiggle thing?
You know, when they're chirping and they just kinda…

Deleted user

I think details on this revenge are an order.

So my neighbors have several large dogs that like to poop a lot. I'm allergic, but that was the price I had to pay. I took them out for a nice little walk when I accidentally stumbled across their beautiful yard. And well. Let's just say that they've been out there cleaning the poop for quite some time now.
I also scared their children pretty bad. Maybe even scarred them for life.

@Mojack group

I just had a nose bleed for the first time this year. Mine are definitely mild with how long they last, (3-6 minutes usually but when I was younger I remember them being worse) and at least I caught it before I tasted blood in my throat (if anyone knows that feeling).

One of the things I inherited from my dad, who got it from his dad.

I also always seem to get them at night.

Deleted user

I'm just ghosting all my RPs and I feel bad but I'd also feel bad if I went on them and tried to explain that I just can't do them because I joined while I was suffering from writer's block and now I'm not and can focus on writing again.
And everyone who I RP with is so nice, but like, I just can't :(

Deleted user

Thanks guys! That was honestly the worst revenge I've ever got on somebody considering it wasn't violent but okay!


Y’all know this feeling where all you really wanna do is curl up in a ditch and sob uncontrollably until you can finally disappear? Cause I definitely do

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