forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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What's up everyone. There's… A few things I wanted to share with you, please, if you will, take what I'm about to say to heart, it's truly a pleasure to give such a speech to you guys. Thank you very much.
All right listen, the first thing I wanted to tell you, is do not live your life by the expectations of others or you will not get anywhere, the expectations of others are not only often unrealistic, but they will bury you under a mountain of pain, perceived worthlessness, and grief, that includes the voice in your head, nobody but you, and maybe a few other people truly know your capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses, and it is ill-advised they even try to assume said strengths, weaknesses, and abilities without deeply examining you as a person, and even then I would argue that it's still unreasonable.
The second thing I wanted to say, is that you should never let anyone, at all, try to stop you from achieving your dreams, your goals, and what you want to achieve in life, unless you trust that person to do so, or unless they are sufficiently wise. Take care of yourself, don't let anyone else's expectations to define you, or your life.
The third thing. And one of the most important, is self-care, self-care is crucial to improving one's quality of life, and the way they view themselves, and by extension the world. Try to find a balance between achieving your goals, and taking care of yourself. Sometimes we fail, we burn out, and that's okay, it's perfectly fine. As long as you can find a way to get back up, and try again, taking care of yourself as you do so, you can achieve anything. Everybody feels insignificant, down in the dumps, or blue from time to time, and that's completely okay. Eat something sweet, or salty, or spicy, or sour, or bitter, or savory, whatever the Hell you like, take a shower, or a bath, or a walk in the rain. Rest, relax, get some sleep, maybe have a good cry every now and then. Go somewhere you like and just enjoy the air it gives off. Try your best to train your body and mind so that they can be their best, nobody should have to live without experiencing the capability of their mind, their will, their body, and their presence. Just remember, don't ever let your body to find your soul, instead let your soul to find your body. Each and every one of you is magical in your own way.
I think we should try to build a better world, to build ourselves better then we were before each and every time we burn out. But don't let what I think, stop you from doing anything. Each one of you is as shrewd is a fox, as strong as a tower, as beautiful is a work of art, and as dazzling as a bonfire, if not moreso, in your own ways. Nobody can ever take that away from you no matter how hard they try. I love each and every one of you, and I want you to carry this message with you as long as you can.

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