forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Hm, you can try starting small. If he hits back, make a vocal proclamation of pain, make it obvious that his teasing is hurting you. Then next time, just lightly comment, “Hey, can you stop? It’s actually kinda painful.” etc etc.


Yeah idk. There's no guarantee they'll split up at all, and I feel like my parents don't treat my brother as well as they should. Like, I still feel like shit and I hate myself so much despite them pretty much telling me explicitly that I was their favorite. But I feel like I would be their favorite for what they think I am as opposed to who I actually am and I'm really conflicted because I think they'd be really disappointed in and hate the real me. So, I don't want to tell them obviously, but I kinda feel like I'm living a lie?

I get you with the whole parents liking who they think you are, and being scared that they won't like the real you. I am nothing like what my parents think I am. Maybe some things about the real me, but they mostly don't.


Thanks guys… I really don't think there's much I can do about my parents though, since the conversation was between my dad and brother and my mom doesn't know about it. I can't break my brother's trust, but otherwise my parents are in a loveless marriage? Like, is it cruel to let them stay married?


Mine are too. I got… I got really sad but in the end they’re staying together for me and my sister, and that’s their choice.


ok so about a year ago i moved a few states away from my hometown and it was pretty hard for me. in the first semester of that year i made a super awesome friend. his name is quincy and he's wonderful and i adore him so much. freshman year (last year) was really hard and he helped me through so much and i really appreciate him as a friend. honestly i could go on for days about how great he is. anyways, i've always felt a platonic love for him. i've thought about dating him before and obviously i think he's attractive personality and physical wise but i think since we were such quick friends and clicked so well that i didn't have a want to date him. recently, however, i walked him to his car after his football practice and didn't think much of it until he came back the next day and told me how his mom was talking about us dating and stuff. at first i thought it was funny and flattering since his mom said nice things about me but then he said "i mean i don't think it's weird" and i said "what?" and then he said "dating you". at first i laughed it off but later that night i thought about how what we could be if we were more than friends. i've been ashamed to say i enjoy that thought lately. i know he wouldn't feel the same way and he wouldn't drop our friendship if i told him i might like him but it still makes me a bit guilty. he's my best friend and i don't want to make him feel uncomfortable or like our friendship is different so for about 2ish weeks i've kept quiet. a couple days ago we went to the fair together and i had so much fun but the whole time i thought about how fun it would be if it were a date or something. we joke around a lot and get in each other's faces but when we did those things that night i wanted to kiss him or just hold his hand on a ride. i'm kinda lost in my feelings and don't know what to do so now i'm here at one in the morning, ranting to random strangers. thanks for listening i just needed to get that off my chest. if anybody has anything helpful for the situation i'd be grateful :)


Okay, so I could go all like "in my opinion". But honestly that wouldn't really be helping. Cause you and me are most likely completely different people. So, I think you should do what feels right. If you want to tell him, you can. If you don't, then don't. It's really up to you. So, do what you like. Just remember, he's your best friend, and true friends will stay friends with you even after that type of stuff happens. But honestly, do what you feel is right.

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Welcome to I'm going to someone's wedding at 4 in the morning.

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It's for my Nani and I have to see my shitbag uncle who cheated on his wife. My Nani is getting married only a few years after my poppa died.

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The bean.

While you're at it, look up Stuart Semple and Anish Kapoor. And also look up their feud. It's very petty.

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The artist who made it named it Cloud Gate and gates when people call it The Bean. But it's a Bean!!! Look at it!!

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Cool! I can say butterfly in German. Don’t ask me how I know that. But I can say butterfly. And I’m 75% German! With my 15% Native American (Cherokee) and other British and stuff blood.

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Oh, yeah! Schmettaling!
@izzyandgrace I don't know what you're talking about lol….

Deleted user

Oh, haha!
Yeah, I do!
I can't say I speak it exceptionally, but I understand most everything and can manage a good response!

Deleted user

Oh, haha!
Yeah, I do!
I can't say I speak it exceptionally, but I understand most everything and can manage a good response!

Ah!!!! Guten Morgen!

Deleted user

Oh, haha!
Yeah, I do!
I can't say I speak it exceptionally, but I understand most everything and can manage a good response!

Ah!!!! Guten Morgen!

Guten Morgen!
{Crap I'm so bad at writing German}
Wo kommen Sie her?

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