forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Sorry about this, it'll be quick. But I've only seen one of my friends the entire summer. I've seen him twice. I'm just slightly lonely, and I want to get with some of my friends, but… summer's basically over, and I- for some reason, my brain is stupid- don't want to interrupt their lives. So. Fun times. Go me. And as always… sorry! For… basically everything.

I know this isn't much of an offer but I'd like to be your friend if that's OK.
I'm always down to chill or RP.
Like I said I'll try but I'm prolly not as good as an IRL friend.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Sorry about this, it'll be quick. But I've only seen one of my friends the entire summer. I've seen him twice. I'm just slightly lonely, and I want to get with some of my friends, but… summer's basically over, and I- for some reason, my brain is stupid- don't want to interrupt their lives. So. Fun times. Go me. And as always… sorry! For… basically everything.

I know this isn't much of an offer but I'd like to be your friend if that's OK.
I'm always down to chill or RP.
Like I said I'll try but I'm prolly not as good as an IRL friend.

That's cool. Thanks!


so i just woke up after last night's party
not a good night

So what happened at the party? Why was it so bad?

Deleted user

E v e r y t h i n g.
But, to sum it up, here are some of the 'highlights:'

  • Anxiety
  • Fake friends I want to cut out of my life but had to hang out with because I didn't know anyone else
  • One of those fake friends mocking mental health
  • People not even noticing I chopped off all my hair, which was the only conversation I had planned
  • People ignoring me
  • Being clearly unwanted
  • Sudden wave of depression brought on by all of those things
    - Self harm episode afterwards


Oh no GQ! I’m so sorry it was a bust but we care about you and hope it all works out ok

What are you gonna do about those fake friends? Like do you plan on leaving or talking to them about it or anything?

Deleted user

I don't know. I've already unfollowed and removed them from my followers on social media, but they keep coming back into my life. And in real life… That's the difficult part.


Yeah, I bet. I don’t wanna give you advice just in case it’s bad advice lol but just know we’re here for you and we love you


I’m always here to talk GQ. You sound very similar to my best friend and just know that you can PM me whenever. My bestie just recently chopped her hair. Yeah. You two sound similar. Just know I’m always here!


oh no miriam that's awful, I'm so sorry! I'm here for you if you need a virtual hug or a distraction or just a friend to talk to, although i'm going to have to copy halle and say my advice might not be the best. <3 <3 <3

Deleted user

I’m always here to talk GQ. You sound very similar to my best friend and just know that you can PM me whenever. My bestie just recently chopped her hair. Yeah. You two sound similar. Just know I’m always here!

Plot twist: I am the best friend.

Deleted user

So I’m in Texas. It’s late July and hot as the devil’s asshole, and I have to walk home from my piano lesson because my family went to the store. So obviously, I’m wearing shorts, which I don’t normally do.
Anyway, I’m walking home (and it’s a somewhere between 10 and 15 minute walk) and as I’m walking SEVEN (7) people made no attempt to disguise the fact that they were staring. In my own neighborhood. Two of them actually whistled at me.
I AM 14.

Deleted user

See, children. This is why you always keep a knife with you. Just in case. I'm glad that at least you're safe @PunsAndShips


@PunsAndShips i feel you, not the whistling and stares (I’m ugly) but the Texas heat I have been so unfortunate to experience my entire 13 years of life.

@saor_illust school

Hey guys. Just so you know, I, uh… this involves um death… so uh be warned…

Deleted user

It's perfectly normal to feel bad. Sure, he did dangerous things, but he didn't deserve death. Let this be a reminder, though, that safety is extremely important in these situations.

@saor_illust school

Oki this is gonna feel weird, but I'm gonna respond to you third-person RP style with Izzy as a placeholder name:
Izzy laughed softly. "Thanks…" she replied, the corners of her lips lifting up ever so slightly.
Oki there we go.

Deleted user

May also laughed softly at the girl's actions. "Anytime, babe," she said, turning to scroll through her unread discussions. "If you need anything else, let me know."

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