forum Your personal venting space.
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Okay, so I make those embroidery floss bracelets and I've been making them for four years, so I'm pretty good. But anyways, I made this pattern and some girls were asking me for help and she asked "How long does it need to be? Like measuring wise?" And I told her that I don't measure them because cutting off some string the size of your hand isn't the end of the world, but this 12 year old that I hate just exploded at me and was like "How DARE you just throw away string! Do you realize that that can choke animals, I mean, what kind if heartless noob bracelet maker are you and I bet you can't even make one without help!" And she was basically going off at me, insulting me and crap. I just asked her how long have you been making bracelets? Since the beginning of summer! she declared proudly, showing off a novice bracelet. I laughed and went, "I have been making bracelets for four years, I made up a pattern and I make a profit off of some of them. She just kept going off until some other girl just slapped her and dragged me away. I still don't like her. And before you go off on me saying how 'she is a new bracelet maker, how can you be so rude?' I love new bracelet makers and I love helping them out and They have a right to be proud of what they created, but this girl was straight up cocky and rude to all of the other girls making bracelets and I hate her. The End


She sounds like an awful person. I have a girl like that in my grade. Just ignore her. I know it’s hard. Trust me, but as the most bullied person in my middle school, if you ignore them, they won’t bother you and I bet she was trying to make you angry and stuff. It helps to be like ok. That’s your opinion. This is mine. I’m going to ignore every word you just said because I do not like you negativity. Goodbye. That is what helps me with the mean and evil girls in my grade who I hate.


Ok. I’m actually really scared to go back to school because of the mean girls I recently mentioned. Since I have a disability, all they ever seem to do is relentlessly tease me. They call me “the crooked girl” because I can’t straighten my arms or walk flat footed (I walk on my tip-toes). I don’t want to go through another year of this but I really like my school and my few friends. One of my close friends recently transferred to the mean girls and my (I guess I can call her my old bestie) bestie (I have two in case y’all were wondering, this is not the one I mentioned earlier) is always ignoring me and hanging out with a mean girl even though she knows the relationship is toxic. I was put in classes with the smart kids even though I’m not that smart and I’m scared. Goodbye.


I will smash them with my friends roller backpack which has a hard outer layer that has sharp on the corners and edges and she managed to stick needles in it. It’s quite terrifying. It’s also bright pink. It hurts. A boy has a scar from it.

Deleted user

is it weird that i have the urge to delete my account and all my work on it?

Deleted user

is it weird that i have the urge to delete my account and all my work on it?

YES. Don't do it.

@GameMaster group

is it weird that i have the urge to delete my account and all my work on it?

YES. Don't do it.

It's not weird but don't do it. Happens sometimes when you get frustrated. Just step away for a little while.

Deleted user

I didn't. Though I did delete some of my characters on a whim. I really don't know why. (I had 41, now I have 31)

@Starfast group

Ugh ok. So I'm for real starting to really resent hanging out with my friend because every time we do she always just talks about her boyfriend who I don't like :\ I always feel like I never have her full attention anymore because every time we get together she's either texting him or talking about him. Like it's so freaking awkward when we're together because she'll be texting him and I'll just be sitting there like -_- and it's just complete radio silence between us and she doesn't seem to even notice. And sometimes we'll be talking about something and she'll just randomly bring up her boyfriend even though it was completely unrelated to what we were talking about. How do you politely tell someone to stop being so insufferable?

And then yesterday she started talking about moving in with him and maybe getting married (they've been together for SIX ENTIRE MONTHS, by the way). Which seems like a bad idea to me because I feel like she's only in this relationship because it makes her feel validated, if that makes sense, and this guy just seems weird. And then she started saying that she would want me to be the maid of honour and I just wanted to fucking scream. Like I think she can do, and deserves much better. I want to say something but I also feel like I can't because I'm a very passive little bitch with 0 backbone she's going through a lot right now and this relationship seems to be the only thing that she has going for her at the moment.

Deleted user

Guys I found a song and it sounds like he's saying my real name over and over again and I'm w h e e z i n g


Ugh ok. So I'm for real starting to really resent hanging out with my friend because every time we do she always just talks about her boyfriend who I don't like :\ I always feel like I never have her full attention anymore because every time we get together she's either texting him or talking about him. Like it's so freaking awkward when we're together because she'll be texting him and I'll just be sitting there like -_- and it's just complete radio silence between us and she doesn't seem to even notice. And sometimes we'll be talking about something and she'll just randomly bring up her boyfriend even though it was completely unrelated to what we were talking about. How do you politely tell someone to stop being so insufferable?

And then yesterday she started talking about moving in with him and maybe getting married (they've been together for SIX ENTIRE MONTHS, by the way). Which seems like a bad idea to me because I feel like she's only in this relationship because it makes her feel validated, if that makes sense, and this guy just seems weird. And then she started saying that she would want me to be the maid of honour and I just wanted to fucking scream. Like I think she can do, and deserves much better. I want to say something but I also feel like I can't because I'm a very passive little bitch with 0 backbone she's going through a lot right now and this relationship seems to be the only thing that she has going for her at the moment.

Wait a second, how old are you guys?

Deleted user

Guys I found a song and it sounds like he's saying my real name over and over again and I'm w h e e z i n g


It's called hiccup by verzache (and fun fact my real name is Lorelei, so yeet)

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