forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

Dude every time I see a store closing early or not open at whatever time my inner me is like 'Yeah you go, girl! Set those boundaries!' lmao

….now I'm going to too-

@ElderGod-kirky group

my parents: talking about increasing amount of articles involving people shooting people over stupid shit
also my parents: how dare the government want to take away our guns

@ElderGod-kirky group

obviously. totally no correlation between the two. we totally should keep people that shoot their pregnant exes in the face right in front of her kids during her baby shower armed with guns because they're definitely not dangerous

@Pickles group

Maybe the reason no one's raising their hand to answer your question is because this isn't high school. Or, more likely, it's because you never explained it so how would anyone know the answer
I hate my econ professor

@Pickles group

True Crime Don'ts with Pickles: speculation isn't really helpful. Especially when you're doing it in a place where the family is going to see it. It's insensitive. ESPECIALLY asking questions like "did you check where her phone pinged last?" No fucking shit, the police are incompetent pigs but 1. they're not that stupid and 2. the goddamn fbi is involved, of fucking course they did everything a random citizen could think of to do. That's their JOB, they're not some secretaries doing this as a hobby

@larcenistarsonist group

in my art class we had to find an example art piece for each of the 7 principles of design from virtual museum tours but because the virtual tours are extremely difficult to navigate, I instead went to the Animal Crossing Wiki and found famous artworks from there.


I just had to explain to my debate class what gender dysphoria feels like. That was pretty weird.

I hope this wasn't in the context of an argument about whether or not trans people are "real."
I used to think I was ready to argue for my existence but then after a few attempts I found out it was extremely tiring and I didn't like being dehumanized very much.

@larcenistarsonist group

Yeah they were arguing over the who transgender mtf athletes and if they should be allowed to participate and I kinda yelled "you guys don't have any idea what it's like. How dare you talk about fairness if you haven't even seen it from the other side." And then I had to explain what the noncis side of the story is and what it feels like.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Bruh someone in my English class made a pronoun joke and my friend and I had to spend the entire class explaining why it was not, in fact, funny, it’s been like two weeks and I’m already done with this school

@ElderGod-kirky group

imma be rude to my cousin because she's not on here and i'm so fucking glad for the sake of everyone's sanity
even if i don't know/like all of you that's a generalization and not pointed, i swear

yes, i fully understand that she has gone through some traumatizing shit. yes, i fully understand that she has mental health issues. but when your entire fucking family is trying to be helpful and understanding and accommodate for those issues, as much as they possibly can with their own lives, you'd think she'd be less of a fucking manipulative little shit.

constant blaming, constant exaggeration as to what is going on at home, constantly latching onto people, dumping her past onto them the moment they meet, and lamenting about her depression and stuff. anytime anything doesn't go her way, she

which includes being upset over needing to go to school and having, gods forbid, chores to do. she insists that everything is her mother's fault (who is a single mother, btw) and that she doesn't care about her. she literally said this when my aunt left work to be at the hospital when she got a call that she was in there.


so she was committed to a psychiatric ward because of an abundance of reasons stemming from a lot of this (we have tried, btw. it's important to note that we have made ourselves available to talk to and help her work through everything, but she throws a fit whenever we say something just might not be her mom's fault and is, in fact, something she needs to work on). and now she is saying that my aunt abuses her, forces her to take meds, and called CPS on her. all because she made a friend at the hospital and doesn't want to leave and doesn't want to go to school still. and she insists that she'd be better off in foster care

my family are at our wits end with this girl


✨being in the closet isn't privilege, it's traumatic✨

Ew, are people saying it's a privilege to be closeted? Having to stay closeted is the opposite of a privilege.


This is a very small rudeness but a rudeness nonetheless. I am trying. To install optifine for my computer. To make Minecraft look ✨ spicier ✨ and the fucking limits my dad put on my Xbox account. Which is linked to my outlook account. Carried over to my laptop. That I paid for. And I cannot access the optifine website. Because of my Xbox account limitations. Fuck. This. I'm so. Tired