forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@larcenistarsonist group

I will never love a fictional couple more than

afsdfhgjh I love themmmmmm

I will never love a fictional couple more than

@ElderGod-kirky group

i have so many books on my shelf to read, and re-read because i have sequels, but brain says "nah let's read shitty wattpad books instead" and it's so fucking annoying
i literally have a book sitting right next to me that i'm halfway through

See I have a ton of books that I need to read but instead I read library books bc my brain goes "they're due soon and your owned ones aren't, read these first!!"

Honestly, I can feel my book judge me as I open yet another AO3 tab

i'm sure nikolai and zoya burn holes into my skull every time i open up a wattpad book i've already read


sdlfkgh i'm not even kidding, they're right here

it's also signed!!! i aspire to have this woman's signature skills

@HighPockets group

i have so many books on my shelf to read, and re-read because i have sequels, but brain says "nah let's read shitty wattpad books instead" and it's so fucking annoying
i literally have a book sitting right next to me that i'm halfway through

See I have a ton of books that I need to read but instead I read library books bc my brain goes "they're due soon and your owned ones aren't, read these first!!"

Honestly, I can feel my book judge me as I open yet another AO3 tab

i'm sure nikolai and zoya burn holes into my skull every time i open up a wattpad book i've already read


sdlfkgh i'm not even kidding, they're right here

it's also signed!!! i aspire to have this woman's signature skills

I ordered a book box with signed copies of both Nikolai books, expecting them to arrive in mid-April, but they aren't coming until July :(

@ElderGod-kirky group

i don't have rule of wolves yet, but i really want it!!
probably a good idea to ask for that since i have people hounding me on what i want for my birthday AND graduation

@ElderGod-kirky group

my name is stolen from greek mythology, if that gives you a hint towards how i feel about that topic lmao

i also have another greek mythology book. well, two if you count the book Crocs gifted me that's about mythology as opposed to a story. but the one i'm talking about is A Touch of Darkness, which i found on pinterest.


Guys was I that annoying at 14?? Idk if any of you interacted with me when I was 14 but. I feel like I wasn't such a stupid little bitch?? But. Idk


Oooh yes books with sprayed edges are the best, I love them

In semi-related news, I got my first paycheck today! I'm gonna buy so many books, just you fucking watch. I'm gonna need a whole new bookshelf lmao

@Pickles group

Are you illiterate or just stupid? The chat outlines clearly state that this chat is 15+, and for good reason.
This chat is not meant for people your age. It's explicitly meant for older users because we use mature language and discuss mature content.
This isn't some rule that we're enforcing because we hate you (since I assure you that most of us don't care about you whatsoever), but because this chat is for older users. You're breaking a rule laid out on the first page of the chat, and that was quoted to you multiple times. Stop being a petulant child and find another thread; you're proving to us exactly why someone of your age shouldn't be here.

lol and I assure you that most of the people here don't care about you either

How fucking dare you. Shut the hell up. You have no right to speak for people who hate you and have barely talked to you. And to do it to try to hurt someone like that? Absolutely not. You know nothing about the way anyone feels about Eva, they, however, know exactly how we feel about you.

@HighPockets group

readers: gets paycheck
readers, busting through store door: books baby!

I was going to protest but I did the exact thing with my birthday cash so-

@tungsten fastfood

I will never love a fictional couple more than

afsdfhgjh I love themmmmmm

I will never love a fictional couple more than