forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers

@Pickles group

Being a gifted kid is like you took the "now" option in those "would you rather have $1000 right now or $1 today, $2 tomorrow, $4 the day after and so on for a month" or whatever math problems, and everyone else picked the other one, except you didn't really get a choice, and everyone in your life praised and used you for your thousand dollars until that month was up and everyone else had more money than you, and now you're broke and sad and people make fun of you for not having money

@Mojack group

My dad and I were just talking about similar stuff because we were watching the news
Like there’s some people that believe in wanting a civil war to happen but truth be told, a lot of bad things would happen
Electricity cut off, food and water problems, families torn apart, etc. You do not want to live in a civil war. People who have lived in civil wars flee their country for a reason. They don’t want to live in a civil war, and you shouldn’t either.
I like re-enactments of historical events such as civil wars, as long as it’s decently accurate (and respectful) to the actual accounts of it happening, but. You don’t wanna live in a civil war.

also why are they so hesitant with shooting law breakers and legit terrorists in the capitol but chill to shoot peaceful black protesters?

@HighPockets group

also why are they so hesitant with shooting law breakers and legit terrorists in the capitol but chill to shoot peaceful black protesters?

Sparkle emoji Racism Sparkle emoji

@Pickles group

Two summers ago I went to Canada and I'm really wishing we had stayed there. With their consistently sized handicapped parking spots, bearable summers, and less terrifying right wing