forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

I’ve known about fluffies for years (unfortunate that I even had to come across them in the first place)

How old were you?

I was 11 or so when I came across them, maybe a bit younger. So a long while ago

Oh my God I'm so sorry for you-

@Pickles group

I'm filled with so much energy
I wanna draw
I wanna move
It's making me squirrelly and hard to talk to

@Pickles group

I import the photo reference as a layer, cut out pieces of the face/hands/etc, then keep those reference pieces right next to the actual part on the drawing and just slowly work at it all zoomed in with a paint/blend brush and a bunch of blobby colors until it looks like that reference piece, before moving on to the next one, treating each cut out as it’s own smaller render until the drawing’s finished. I might make a tutorial or demonstration once I get home

I forgot to say this but yes you should do it also unrelated but I'm sorry for being awful to you earlier, I love you to bits

@HighPockets group

I'm filled with so much energy
I wanna draw
I wanna move
It's making me squirrelly and hard to talk to

You should draw!

@Pickles group

I'm filled with so much energy
I wanna draw
I wanna move
It's making me squirrelly and hard to talk to

You should draw!

I am! I picked up a trashy thing I tried to do of Mariah Faith Rose a while ago (hhhh she's so pretty) and decided to employ Ella's techniques to the best of my ability. It's not going great but it's better than my previous attempts

@HighPockets group

I'm filled with so much energy
I wanna draw
I wanna move
It's making me squirrelly and hard to talk to

You should draw!

I am! I picked up a trashy thing I tried to do of Mariah Faith Rose a while ago (hhhh she's so pretty) and decided to employ Ella's techniques to the best of my ability. It's not going great but it's better than my previous attempts

D: show it to meeeee

@Pickles group

I'm filled with so much energy
I wanna draw
I wanna move
It's making me squirrelly and hard to talk to

You should draw!

I am! I picked up a trashy thing I tried to do of Mariah Faith Rose a while ago (hhhh she's so pretty) and decided to employ Ella's techniques to the best of my ability. It's not going great but it's better than my previous attempts

D: show it to meeeee

You do nOt want to see it right now

@The-Magician group

I honestly want give up.
I tried to draw something but I couldn't get the hair right and now I'm looking at the piece I did earlier and wondering whether it was just luck?
I dunno, I've been really doubting everything about myself lately and I just don't know how much more I can take before I give up completely.
I ended up scrapping the piece I was working on after my friends told me that I should try again in the morning, but what if I'm still not able to get it right? I just don't know anymore..

@The-Magician group

Thank you.. I'm just in a rough patch right now where confidence seems to be non-existent. It's taking a lot more energy than I would like to actually talk to people at the moment, and that includes my IRL friends and family. I want it to go away so I can gt back to living my life peacefully again.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I'm filled with so much energy
I wanna draw
I wanna move
It's making me squirrelly and hard to talk to

-Me at three in the morning, when I'm supposed to be asleep

@Pickles group

My enthusiasm is waning and I'm frustrated
It looks like a person
But it doesn't really look like HER
And it's extremely tedious and what if I mess it up and all my work goes to waste

@HighPockets group

I'm filled with so much energy
I wanna draw
I wanna move
It's making me squirrelly and hard to talk to

-Me at three in the morning, when I'm supposed to be asleep

Yes and also me when I'm supposed to be Relaxing, or on a long car ride


Why won't the assholes in my neighborhood stop with the damn fireworks. The law says they should have been done 30 minutes ago. My dog is shaking and terrified. I want to sleep. Just stop with the fucking fireworks, it isn't even the 4th yet


I just got back from watching fireworks lol

as long as you aren't my neighbors, I don't care lol

meaning about the fireworks. I mean…I hope you had fun lol I just mean the fireworks and scaring my dog. I don't mean to sound mean lmao

@HighPockets group

I just got back from watching fireworks lol

as long as you aren't my neighbors, I don't care lol

meaning about the fireworks. I mean…I hope you had fun lol I just mean the fireworks and scaring my dog. I don't mean to sound mean lmao

Nah you didn't sound mean lol, it was super fun but it was also city sanctioned and not a bunch of idiots lighting them off. It was the first time in years that I haven't been like directly under the fireworks so it was nice not to have my ears wrecked by them.


I just got back from watching fireworks lol

as long as you aren't my neighbors, I don't care lol

meaning about the fireworks. I mean…I hope you had fun lol I just mean the fireworks and scaring my dog. I don't mean to sound mean lmao

Nah you didn't sound mean lol, it was super fun but it was also city sanctioned and not a bunch of idiots lighting them off. It was the first time in years that I haven't been like directly under the fireworks so it was nice not to have my ears wrecked by them.

lol alright. Oh fun! Yeah there are two people in my neighborhood who lit off a fuckton

@HighPockets group

We give my dog a bit of benadryl when the fireworks get really bad (the people by us usually light them off for the first few nights of July) to calm her down, that might help? You'd need to look into the dosage relative to size though


I get trying to be a good party host but damn would these guests please get the hint. I'm exhausted just go to your hotel rooms we'll see each other tomorrow for fucks sake.

I'm too much of a damn introvert to keep this up. Someone please help me. I'm about to fall asleep standing.

@HighPockets group

Carrie Fisher kept a DVD of the Star Wars Holiday Special for that sole purpose
I tried to watch it and I left when Chewbacca's dad started watching VR porn