forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I'm only out to friends, so I've never been either. One of my friend is like the dad to all lgbtq people in my school, especially the closeted ones, and he's been to Pride a lot. The second I expressed I wanted to go to one he was like "oPE well when we're 18 guess I'm taking you!" That made me really happy, and I still look forward to it. He's a good dad-fren.

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I just came out in October, so this year would've been my first.


I have Sensory Issues™, but if the conditions are right, parades to me are just extremely stimulating. They hype me up. I do the 4th of July parade every year in two cities with my church, and it's good times. Some classic games are "Go Figure Out Where We are in the Line" and "Run, Jump and Hope You Don't Miss the Car/Truck Bed/Float"


Honestly I'm pretty confident that "Project Pridefall" is fake. Only ten people made the "movement" and from what I've seen on social media, the true nature of it is to scare members of the LGBTQ+ community into hiding and being fearful–to shut us up.

Yes, keep yourself safe. Take steps to protect yourselves. But I won't be going into hiding. I've done enough of that already. I'm going to keep standing and maybe even be a bit louder. You know, just to spite them.

Same here. Block, report, filter, but I'm not hiding.
If it is real, or if people decide to be nasty and jump on the bandwagon, people in the community will be bothered. Throughout the month of June I encourage y'all to spread a fuck ton of support on all platforms, to share positivity, and kind of give a morale boost just like we would throughout pride month anyway. Don't stay quiet. Don't give them what they want. Show that pride!

@Anemone eco

I usually get really freaked out around crowds but if I went with friends, I’d probably be okay.

Yeah, that's what got me through. I'd more than likely never go to one alone. I'd freak out. But my friend sorta distracted me from the loads of people around us.

@Becfromthedead group

I’m still really sad that this whole covid 19 thing happened. My friends and I had so many plans… and Pride was on the list. Not to mention a lot of us went back to kind of sucky home environments.


my school was doing beauty and the beast, we were quarantined LITERALLY 2 WEEKS BEFORE TECH
I was Madame de la Grande bouche and my friend was playing Belle, my other friend was the enchantress. we had been practicing for months and I was so excited to see it all come together

@Becfromthedead group

I was going to go to our college’s music festival with friends this year… and we were going to meet up over the summer and do a lil road trip through Georgia maybe. But that’s SUPER not happening. Sure, we could, because our governor said fuck quarantine, but we all have sense enough not to.
And then pride.


I…idk what to believe about pridefall anymore…
people are saying it's fake…but even still I found an operation pridefall YouTube channel and I read the about and…I'm shaking I wanna cry I need a hug please

this is what it said…

@Becfromthedead group

I’m pretty certain they’re pretty empty threats. Will they send uncomfortable and inappropriate content? Yeah, maybe. But they are already committing a crime by making these threats, so I mean, just report what you can and don’t interact. Those dipshits don’t have any power, and they aren’t getting any. They’re cowards who thrive from fearmongering online. Mere trolls. Again, scaring us out of being ourselves is what they want. They’re probs too much of pussies to actually do anything.

@Pickles group

It sounds like some homophobic white 12-14 year old boys. Maybe some stupid ass Onision-esque men if you want to be lenient.


That really does look like it's fake, but I'd block and report them nonetheless. The heil hitler part just seems like it's pushing it too far(not to say I don't believe there aren't shitty people that do that still).


There are definetly people passionate about pridefall's agenda, and there will be links and bots and targets. The odds of it spilling into real life violence seems unlikely. Just be as cautious as you always are, make sure someone has your six in public. As for doxing, make sure your info is as private as possible and stay away from shady links. Visit sites you already know. Don't interact with weird looking public posts. Even pride themed ones could be bait. Basic. Internet. Safety. We'll be ok.