forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

how do I report someone on YouTube??

Try clicking the three dots in the corner of the home page, there might be a report option. If not, then just block the channel.

there's no report option but I blocked them

If they post a video, report it

@Anemone eco

The first thing you see when you YouTube search "operation pridefall" is a bunch of debunking videos, it's probably just some homophobic 4chan bitchbabies trying to fearmonger.

Exactly. The wording shown just a little bit ago was so apparently fake too. I don't know how to explain why I think so, but it just felt really fake.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

The first thing you see when you YouTube search "operation pridefall" is a bunch of debunking videos, it's probably just some homophobic 4chan bitchbabies trying to fearmonger.

Exactly. The wording shown just a little bit ago was so apparently fake too. I don't know how to explain why I think so, but it just felt really fake.

It really did. Just, it was too-
obviously fake
And we're not getting into a 'they know that we know that-' situation because they're not that bright

@HighPockets group

The first thing you see when you YouTube search "operation pridefall" is a bunch of debunking videos, it's probably just some homophobic 4chan bitchbabies trying to fearmonger.

Exactly. The wording shown just a little bit ago was so apparently fake too. I don't know how to explain why I think so, but it just felt really fake.

It really did. Just, it was too-
obviously fake
And we're not getting into a 'they know that we know that-' situation because they're not that bright

It was the "two genders heil hitler" part that made me go "probably a fake", that just felt too on-the-nose.

@Anemone eco

The first thing you see when you YouTube search "operation pridefall" is a bunch of debunking videos, it's probably just some homophobic 4chan bitchbabies trying to fearmonger.

Exactly. The wording shown just a little bit ago was so apparently fake too. I don't know how to explain why I think so, but it just felt really fake.

It really did. Just, it was too-
obviously fake
And we're not getting into a 'they know that we know that-' situation because they're not that bright

It was the "two genders heil hitler" part that made me go "probably a fake", that just felt too on-the-nose.

Yeah. Like, I've been in a place where people of the LGBTQ community are torture and things of the like. And really, that just felt way more staged (and admittedly way less scary) than the things I've come to face. The fact that they brought up race is even more of why I thought it was fake. They seem to either be trying way too hard to convince people or trying to make it obvious that over half of the shit they talked about ain't gonna happen. I feel like it's the latter though.

@Pickles group

I…idk what to believe about pridefall anymore…
people are saying it's fake…but even still I found an operation pridefall YouTube channel and I read the about and…I'm shaking I wanna cry I need a hug please

this is what it said…

A semi more coherent guide to why this is very fake:
It's overly specific in the way that says "I don't know what I'm talking about but you don't have to know that". You know, the way that little kids lie when they think they're getting away with it
Anyone that's actually serious about this would know that you can't threaten these things, especially not on the internet.
I…. Twitter? Really? That's just…
They know about these things and believe they have the ability to actually carry out their plans on a mass scale, which tells me they're probably pretty young
That last sentence. If that doesn't just confirm that this is a "joke", I don't know how to help. (I say joke not because it's funny or just a prank or whatever, but because it's the only word I can think of)
The lack of contractions. Not using contractions signals that you're upset (it's a thing. Don't believe me? Google it or have an argument with someone.), and I don't doubt they're at least a little angry, but it seems like they're trying to make themselves seem more mature.
"Operation pridefall". Sounds cute, but my three year old cousin could come up with something better.
"The attacks will be mostly on…" The way this is worded. Go back and look at your formal essays from when you were twelve and learning what an essay is. Look me in the eye and tell me that that's not phrased like it should be in a formal essay written by a 12 year old.
Actually, deconstruct the whole structure. Seems kind of like a beginner's essay, eh?

You don't have to read all of this but idk. Maybe it'll help reassure you. Still. Be. Careful. Even if this wasn't happening, internet safety is super important. But y'all know that.

@Pickles group

The first thing you see when you YouTube search "operation pridefall" is a bunch of debunking videos, it's probably just some homophobic 4chan bitchbabies trying to fearmonger.

Exactly. The wording shown just a little bit ago was so apparently fake too. I don't know how to explain why I think so, but it just felt really fake.

It really did. Just, it was too-
obviously fake
And we're not getting into a 'they know that we know that-' situation because they're not that bright

Ah heck no. Preteens think they're the best liars in the world lmao

@HighPockets group

also I forgot to ask can I join in on the punching nazis thing?

ill bring my tennis racket, lets fuckin whack some twatfaced dickweeds

It's always a good time to punch nazis

Deleted user

Things I have learned on my roadtrip so far: New Orleans smelled like shit, I hate fried dough, there was this one dude playing jazz which was cool, I got lost, I went to a vodoo shop, Battleships have way too many spiders, I now have a phobia of stairs, I saw a guy passed out who peed his pants.

@Anemone eco

Things I have learned on my roadtrip so far: New Orleans smelled like shit, I hate fried dough, there was this one dude playing jazz which was cool, I got lost, I went to a vodoo shop, Battleships have way too many spiders, I now have a phobia of stairs, I saw a guy passed out who peed his pants.

Why the phobia of stairs?

Deleted user

Things I have learned on my roadtrip so far: New Orleans smelled like shit, I hate fried dough, there was this one dude playing jazz which was cool, I got lost, I went to a vodoo shop, Battleships have way too many spiders, I now have a phobia of stairs, I saw a guy passed out who peed his pants.

Why the phobia of stairs?

The battleship in mobile had a lot of stairs and they were narrow and they had spider webs underneath and near the handles.
I thought I was going to die literaly every minute I was there

Deleted user

bringing this back

today's aesthetic: grey booty shorts, grey bralette, black tank top with skulls on it, black nails, messy blue hair.

@Anemone eco

Today's aesthetic: Waking up after passing out, curling up in my blue hoodie, being in pain, and crying a lot.


Today's aesthetic: grey converse, light pants, big olive green t-shirt with grey jacket, grey headscarf wrapped hijab style