forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

My cousin just stole my computer that was opened because I had to put my turtle back (He took him out of his tank) and stared at me in horror because I had like 12 tabs opened on facial paralysis

wow that's a fuckin mood if ive ever seen one

@HighPockets group

Reminds me of the "sTrAiGhT pRiDe" thing last year, and how those assholes in Boston (one of which I'm pretty sure was a known white supremacist) tried to have a sTrAiGhT pRiDe pArAdE

Deleted user

Here's the thing
Pridefall has been around for a few years
It's mostly in an effort to stop people from posting lgbtq+ stuff
a lot of lgbtq+ accounts go private out of fear, and therefore lgbtq+ content is not seen as often, which is exactly what they want
Just be safe with your information
If someone does message you, ignore it and block.


The most realistic case scenario is some lgbtq people get hate and explicit content in their DMs. The attack is mostly on Twitter anyway. It'll suck, but it won't be huge.

The worst case scenario is many lgbtq people will get hate and explicit content. It would trigger a huge wave of violence against the community. Luckily, if that does end up being the case, this Pride month probably won't be very "public" due to quarantine. They won't have many chances to target people since parades and events are cancelled. All that seems unlikely anyway.

Don't be scared, just be safe:

-Make your accounts private
-Don't answer DMs from strangers, and don't click links from them
-Make sure your friends do the same

If you feel endangered and want to take extra steps, that's ok too:

-Remove any profile pictures or pfp frames that have hints to your queer identity
-Remove pronouns or flags or other hints from your public bio

Let's be honest- it's a group of people from 4chan. Think of how much of the population uses freaking 4chan. Now think of how much is in on Operation Pridefall. There are safety parameters on the internet for a reason. Use them.

@Becfromthedead group

Also do not interact with hateful comments and posts because all they want is attention. If you don’t give them that, their so-called “movement” has no power. Block people if you must.


Honestly I'm pretty confident that "Project Pridefall" is fake. Only ten people made the "movement" and from what I've seen on social media, the true nature of it is to scare members of the LGBTQ+ community into hiding and being fearful–to shut us up.

Yes, keep yourself safe. Take steps to protect yourselves. But I won't be going into hiding. I've done enough of that already. I'm going to keep standing and maybe even be a bit louder. You know, just to spite them.


Changing the subject to a more ~light~ tone, have any of you been to a Pride parade? What was it like?

@Anemone eco

I've been to a few. It was kinda nice since I was there with a friend. There were a lot of cool vendors and a few shows.

@HighPockets group

I haven't, since I'm not out irl, and also not a big parade person. I have autism so loud noises and crowds aren't my favorite thing in the world.

@Becfromthedead group

I was gonna go to one this October with some friends, but I’m p sure all of that is canceled… and I may have had a wedding to go to that weekend anyway. So just sad times all around.