forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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I love you too dear
I wanna send you a letttttttttttttttter

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I'm actually typing yours as we speak lmao
I dunno if I'll be able to send a picture of myself in this one, I'll have to take one first

@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group



im sorry to interrupt ur wholesome convo but
my friend
my bi friend
just told me
that she has feelings for me
what do i do
im too gay
i cant function
ocean.exe has stopped working


Well uh, can't say I've been in that situation before so my advice might not be the best, but if you think there might be something there, try? slsvvnsn Feelings are complicated and I am DEFINITELY not qualified but that's my input that you should probably take with a grain of salt?? s o r r y

@Pickles group

i honestly dont know
like ive been thinking on it but idk if its legit you know?
im so

Tell her this
And if you think you want to give it a whirl, tell her that too

Deleted user

I'm being extra and sending an anti-dysphoria envelope to my trans buddy
what should I put in it?


Happy notes? Maybe if you can make a button with their preferred pronouns? I'd say maybe a clothing article(like if they identify as male grab a tee shirt from the mens section) but that seems like it'd probably be too big.

Deleted user

… Candy is always an option for anyone, just saying that

@saor_illust school

thanks youtube for educating me on asexuality
more questioning !!
not like i wasn't already doing that in the first place but
i think i might be demisexual?

i don't think i'm aro anymore tho
questioning is harddd
i don't like this

Deleted user

Not calling anyone young in general/less valid because of their age
but when you're younger, sexual attraction isn't that big of a deal. really.
and usually it'll all make sense when you fall in love with someone, and you can figure out what you're comfortable with from there.


It's also important to remember sexual, romantic, and gender orientation are all fluid. That goes for all ages. They can change and warp, and they probably will, so don't stress too much about "questioning".

@Anemone eco

Sorry to change the topic so abruptly, but–

My sister just came out to me as a lesbian via text! I'm just so happy that she felt comfortable telling me. :D

Deleted user

A lot of lgbtq+ people in your family, huh?

@Pickles group

It's also important to remember sexual, romantic, and gender orientation are all fluid. That goes for all ages. They can change and warp, and they probably will, so don't stress too much about "questioning".

Also, super important to remember that aromanticism and asexuality is a scale, and it's kind of just an umbrella term
And hmu if you want to talk


Dang, that's cool! I'm glad she was comfortable to come out to you, too, for both of you!

also is it weird that part of me wants to get over my crush dating another person by developing another crush?? Like my brain's like "you can't be sad about them dating him if you're into someone else" and I don't know if that's fucked up or not??