forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Milani eco

yeah, i did my best
they googled most of it tho
i think i'm feeling less nervous tho??
i think the main reason is
idk how they feel about it
so probably the second i go back to our conversation im going to start freaking out again

If they aren't comfortable with it, don't pressure them to change, just accept it. They probably wont change anyways. Give the friendship a try and see if they change their behaviour towards you or if they realise that it doesn't make you any different, you are still the same person. If they accept the fact that you aren't who they thought you were (or maybe they thought you were) then all is good, just go along with life as you did previously. I came out to my best friend and she said that it doesn't matter whether I like boys, girls, or unicorns! (I really do like unicorns aha) and we haven't changed our relationship one bit! Go ahead, try it out!

@Milani eco

they don't hate me
i can relax
oh my god
this is amazing

Omg I took so long to write the message that I missed this aaaaah. CONGRATULATIONS! Your friend is amazing, and so are you :)

Deleted user

im sorry. about my grammar….rn i just don't care…..I Knew i'd be played again by another person whom i liked…maybe i should date guys more than girls…….again im sorry im just..idk. you can ignore me..

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Thank you guys, I just wasn't thinking clearly and well heartbreak is GREAT y'know?

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Again thank you. I'm smiling right now. ^u^

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Alrighty, if I don't come on tonight or tommorow, don't worry I'm not dead, I just got my roadtrip started. I probably won't be very acive, but love y'all.
Mir, I love you the most.

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Haha, never fucking mind
My mom's forcing me to go to this award drive by for school
I'm not going, no matter what.

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I'm so fucking close to grabbing a knife and stabbing the closet thing d a m n i t

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I stay for like another week
I can talk more about how amazing mir is