forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Milani eco

Dang, that's cool! I'm glad she was comfortable to come out to you, too, for both of you!

also is it weird that part of me wants to get over my crush dating another person by developing another crush?? Like my brain's like "you can't be sad about them dating him if you're into someone else" and I don't know if that's fucked up or not??

nah its ok, i do it all the time lmao


That's called rebounding and a lot of people experience it, it's a completely common coping mechanism. It's not rare or unhealthy to want to get over someone by developing a new crush and shifting your focus off the "old crush". It is unhealthy however, to jump into a relationship when you're still working through feelings for a different person, so just don't do that and it's all good. Best of luck working through all that, and I'm sorry it didn't work out how you wanted it to. <3

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This is not the chat to start a debate, so I'll stay quiet.

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Huh, I had a girlfriend in the netherlands, it was a poly relationship

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Anyhow, I'll be gone for a while
I'm leaving for my trip soon and I'll be there for a while to help my sick grandpa

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Hi my moon and stars

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Hope my letter gets there before y'all leave. Better keep me updated, apple of my eye. And I hope your grandpa gets at least a bit better.

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Hope my letter gets there before y'all leave. Better keep me updated, apple of my eye. And I hope your grandpa gets at least a bit better.

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I mean, there's no cure for ALS, so, he won't, but thanks

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oh, angel. I'm sure having you there will make him happy. is keeping him comfortable kind of the priority?

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Yeah, we're helping him move to my dead granny's house, who's his ex-wife, so that's a thing

Deleted user

I see. I hope it goes okay and isn't too hard on ya. I'm here to talk if you need it.


My cousin just stole my computer that was opened because I had to put my turtle back (He took him out of his tank) and stared at me in horror because I had like 12 tabs opened on facial paralysis