forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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also kota, i'm about to hunt your parents down bye-

it's alright-
i'm indifferent to her neglect- it's something that's been going on since i was kid

your mother on the other hand-
i just-
i'm gunna fly over there and abduct you since i technically already adopted you-

i know how you feel kota, but i'm still coming to track them down, whose got the pitch forks!

Deleted user

Honestly I don't understand why people just can't accept someone for being themselves.
Being trans, bi, ace, pan, non-binary, whatever you are, it makes you unique. The world would be a pretty shit place if everyone was the same.
I understand that for some people it is fear of the unknown, but that does not give them the right to judge and discriminate. No one has the right to judge another person for being different from themselves. And no fucking one has the right to tell you you're wrong for being yourself. Some parents need to grow the fuck up and realise that their children are beautiful no matter what. They're not changing just because they're having their breasts removed. They're still the exact same person as they always have been, they're just making sure everyone knows and sees their true colours.
So you kiss that guy/gal, cut your hair, have those unnecessary features removed and altered. Be true to yourself and no one else.


Deleted user

Honestly I don't understand why people just can't accept someone for being themselves.
Being trans, bi, ace, pan, non-binary, whatever you are, it makes you unique. The world would be a pretty shit place if everyone was the same.
I understand that for some people it is fear of the unknown, but that does not give them the right to judge and discriminate. No one has the right to judge another person for being different from themselves. And no fucking one has the right to tell you you're wrong for being yourself. Some parents need to grow the fuck up and realise that their children are beautiful no matter what. They're not changing just because they're having their breasts removed. They're still the exact same person as they always have been, they're just making sure everyone knows and sees their true colours.
So you kiss that guy/gal, cut your hair, have those unnecessary features removed and altered. Be true to yourself and no one else.


I AGREE 1111097564738476%
when i came out to my mom she looked up bible verses about homosexuality and literally tried to pray my gay away, she just recently accepted the fact that i can like girls, she oversexualizes it sometimes but she bought me some rainbow makeup and when my ex stepsister said "awkward silences make gay babies" she looked at me and said "well that explanes you"

btw guess whos 17 !!!!!!!!!!!!

@HighPockets group

Btw the verses about homosexuality that weren't 100% mistranslated (it should be "man shall not lie with boy" in regards to the Roman iirc habit of sleeping with underaged kids) were by Paul. Jesus says to love others as you love yourself, do good unto thy neighbor, love everyone, etc.
So if they follow Paul's word before Jesus's, well…that's not very Christian of them.


Ok so me and my other human need to make a website
what website thing is more fun to say
GoDaddy or like any other website company other than GoDaddy


just yes (one of my teachers said smart alec and me and one of your best friends make eye contact from across the room and mouthed Smartass to each other)


Honestly I don't understand why people just can't accept someone for being themselves.
Being trans, bi, ace, pan, non-binary, whatever you are, it makes you unique. The world would be a pretty shit place if everyone was the same.
I understand that for some people it is fear of the unknown, but that does not give them the right to judge and discriminate. No one has the right to judge another person for being different from themselves. And no fucking one has the right to tell you you're wrong for being yourself. Some parents need to grow the fuck up and realise that their children are beautiful no matter what. They're not changing just because they're having their breasts removed. They're still the exact same person as they always have been, they're just making sure everyone knows and sees their true colours.
So you kiss that guy/gal, cut your hair, have those unnecessary features removed and altered. Be true to yourself and no one else.

*casually puts this as my lOck screen

Deleted user

When you start thinking gay thoughts during homework

causally thinking gay thoughts every moment of my life**


God I love John Green lmao. "The Northern part of Arabia was sandwiched between the Byzantine empire and the Persian Sassanian Empire–and you'll remember, those guys were always fighting. They were like snowboarders and skiers, or like the Westboro Baptist Church and everyone else."

I'm fucking c r y i n g this man is incredible

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Day I feel like a girl-
"My tits aren't big enough and my hair isn't long enough!"
Day I feel like a boy-
"My tits aren't small enough, and my hair isn't short enough!"
Day I feel like neither-
"You know…. I just can't care enough anymore."


@Elder-God-Whisper work

Aaaaaand my teacher is telling me I can't have my hat on (which I'm using to make my hair look short since I can't cut it) and I'm ready to run away from home. …Send help.

Deleted user

… So just found out there's a super high chance of me getting breast cancer.

@The-Magician group

Whisper: Congrats kiddo, and well we are all here when you need a distraction
Reed: That's very unfortunate, I'm here if you ever need to talk about things

Deleted user

It's just making me feel horrible becuase one, the desise in general, and two, breast* causes big dysphoria.

Deleted user

i'd imagine any sort of cancer in general is pretty horrible to deal with. i already have a higher chance of getting it than normal i'm pretty sure, i'm not sure how high but a lot of my older family members suffered from a type of cancer of some sorts and i have no clue if it got carried down to me.

but yes, we'll all be here to support you for sure.

anyways just dropping by this chat, i just saw it and decided to check it out. hello, i'm Kossie/SnapDragon and i'm ace. he/him, apologies for any grammatical errors as english isnt my first language but i've learnt for a while and autocorrect…it really really helps. i'm a lot worse at speaking the language irl, trust me lol

Deleted user

Yeah, my grandmother got it and my great grandmother died from it. I'm at a higher chance of getting a lot of cancers from my family.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

me too, my family has had a lot of different cancers and health problems.. Honestly, though, just eat generally healthy and you should be fine. And make sure you get tested/scanned regularly.