forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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i used to live in belarus and there's a huge problem with chemical and nuclear pollution there so that's part of the reason why i have a higher-than-average chance of it, some parts of it could also be genetic but i never delved into it because i dont like to worry about that sort of stuff that much

i'm mostly healthy so far though, and i'm still fairly young so hopefully it skipped out on me (my siblings are also fine as well right now so it's a good sign.)

be sure to always look for irregular features that have suddenly appeared though and remember, better safe than sorry (if you do see a sign it's always good to check it out even if its nothing)

Deleted user

hello, i'm Kossie/SnapDragon and i'm ace.

Yoooo another ace!

hello!! i'm finding a lot of new aces each day i find now that i'm able to be a bit more open on it which is always nice to see my fellow aces :)

Deleted user

hello, i'm Kossie/SnapDragon and i'm ace.

Yoooo another ace!

hello!! i'm finding a lot of new aces each day i find now that i'm able to be a bit more open on it which is always nice to see my fellow aces :)

I'm aroace!


hello, i'm Kossie/SnapDragon and i'm ace.

Yoooo another ace!

hello!! i'm finding a lot of new aces each day i find now that i'm able to be a bit more open on it which is always nice to see my fellow aces :)

I'm aroace!

Pan ace but heyyyyy! Also yeah, being able to be open about that stuff is great because we're able to find more people like us!

Deleted user

hello, i'm Kossie/SnapDragon and i'm ace.

Yoooo another ace!

hello!! i'm finding a lot of new aces each day i find now that i'm able to be a bit more open on it which is always nice to see my fellow aces :)

I'm aroace!

Pan ace but heyyyyy! Also yeah, being able to be open about that stuff is great because we're able to find more people like us!

im aroace too! it's great to see more of us!


Day I feel like a girl-
"My tits aren't big enough and my hair isn't long enough!"
Day I feel like a boy-
"My tits aren't small enough, and my hair isn't short enough!"
Day I feel like neither-
"You know…. I just can't care enough anymore."




hello, i'm Kossie/SnapDragon and i'm ace.

Yoooo another ace!

hello!! i'm finding a lot of new aces each day i find now that i'm able to be a bit more open on it which is always nice to see my fellow aces :)

I'm aroace!

Pan ace but heyyyyy! Also yeah, being able to be open about that stuff is great because we're able to find more people like us!

im aroace too! it's great to see more of us!

Hello! I’m also aroace!

Deleted user


Deleted user

She said she was confused, but the second we broke up the friend that got us together told me she the REAL reason was she was talking to a guy, and let me tell you its bad when you don't think you're good enough for the person your with, but its even worse when she breaks up with you for another person.

Deleted user

She said she was confused, but the second we broke up the friend that got us together told me she the REAL reason was she was talking to a guy, and let me tell you its bad when you don't think you're good enough for the person your with, but its even worse when she breaks up with you for another person.

Deleted user

She said she was confused, but the second we broke up the friend that got us together told me she the REAL reason was she was talking to a guy, and let me tell you its bad when you don't think you're good enough for the person your with, but its even worse when she breaks up with you for another person.

@HighPockets group

Uhm… Aren't ace bandages the things people don't recommend using because of how harming they can be?



Deleted user

so i thught coming out to the rest of my family was a good idea… turns out it wasn't

Deleted user

they got mad at me and mum started crying saying, 'i've sacrificed my entire life for you and then you go and do this'