forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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You guys I just came out to my mom aaaaaa I'm still kind of crying from happiness

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I'm coming out as…. a little bitch. I'm really open about my identity because I don't care about life at this point, if homo/transphobes wanna shoot me, I don't give a fuck.

@The-Magician group

There's something that's been going around and I wanna know your guys' opinions of it.
Apparently, in 2019, it's more surprising if you come out as straight than anything else

@Moxie group

I think that depends a lot on where you live and probably how old the people you’re “coming out” as straight too. Young people in liberal areas? Yeah I’d believe it. Otherwise I wouldn’t.


HAHAHAHAHAHANervous laughing

Lucky you. After i came out, it took me around 4 months to actually ask my parents what they thought about my sexuality, cuz they had had said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
about it. And when i did, it went brilliantly with ma dad, he told me he accepted me entirely, that he was sorry he didnt talk about it earlier, and then proceeded in talking about his lesbian childhood friend, who’s married and has two adopted kids (and sends us a happy new year card every year)
But didnt go great with my mom (without realising it, she spurted out every single cringy “i don’t get people who like both genders” lines) for example: don’t you think that your partner would have less trust in you if you liked BoTh GenDErS. I must say. I practically laughed.
But im really happy i came out tho, it felt really good :p


HAHAHAHAHAHANervous laughing

Lucky you. After i came out, it took me around 4 months to actually ask my parents what they thought about my sexuality, cuz they had had said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
about it. And when i did, it went brilliantly with ma dad, he told me he accepted me entirely, that he was sorry he didnt talk about it earlier, and then proceeded in talking about his lesbian childhood friend, who’s married and has two adopted kids (and sends us a happy new year card every year)
But didnt go great with my mom (without realising it, she spurted out every single cringy “i don’t get people who like both genders” lines) for example: don’t you think that your partner would have less trust in you if you liked BoTh GenDErS. I must say. I practically laughed.
But im really happy i came out tho, it felt really good :p

I'm glad you had the courage to come out! I wish I could, but my parents are really religious and would most likely kick me out. So I guess I'll just live in the closet for the rest of my life. T_T


it took me like two years to come out
'nd by then i was with my girlfriend for a year
i've been with her for two years and some months now, and my mom still doesn't know bc when i came out it didn't go so well-
but to be fair, my mom was raised by grandma, and my grandma is probably the worst person????

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i came out to my mum and it was shit, she got mad at me…