forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hey my dudes! I love She-Ra, but guess what? I'm working on a Sanders Sides fanfic, Deceit gets sawed in half by Remus and dies in the first chapter and it's awesome. He also gets to reincarnate so it's okay but I'm actually weirdly proud of this crazy gorefic.

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I'm still writing it, but the first six chapters have been planned out so…. yeah.

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I just remembered a weird thing. I always insisted on playing male parts in my old school plays, and always went for any male role (especially Gabriel (the angel) or one of the three wise men) in my church's nativity. And then I think to this one science project in my new school we did last year where I insisted on being the "dad" of our made-up science-child in a group project where we studied genetics. And I'm slowly realizing that I probably should have noticed my whole…. apprehension to conforming to typical gender roles…. uh, sooner….. it felt funny when I was thinking about it, okay?

@HighPockets group

Sometimes I'll remember how in 1st grade I would literally imagine how a wedding would play out between me and a pretty girl in my class, but forgot about it.
And it took me until 2 years ago to realize I was bi.

@HighPockets group

I just remembered a weird thing. I always insisted on playing male parts in my old school plays, and always went for any male role (especially Gabriel (the angel) or one of the three wise men) in my church's nativity. And then I think to this one science project in my new school we did last year where I insisted on being the "dad" of our made-up science-child in a group project where we studied genetics. And I'm slowly realizing that I probably should have noticed my whole…. apprehension to conforming to typical gender roles…. uh, sooner….. it felt funny when I was thinking about it, okay?

You had to do the science child lab too?! I'd switched to online school by then but my class had to as well!
Also cheers to a fellow wise man, I played one of the wise men every year at my church until I moved to a different town lol
I also was screwing around with my prop once (a glass ball filled with oil and gold flakes) and I dropped it and it broke….rip)


My school's GSA starts on Monday and I'm probably gonna try to become president

IDK when Mine starts but I want to have an important job cause out of the whole school (which is kind of small) I'm the only trans boi so I hope I can get an important job


My school's GSA starts on Monday and I'm probably gonna try to become president

IDK when Mine starts but I want to have an important job cause out of the whole school (which is kind of small) I'm the only trans boi so I hope I can get an important job

Oh and today my brother poked a mannikin's balls

@Kanaroli group

I got GSA tomorrow and we're reading this comic called 'Bingo Love' and I swear I don't know how many times I've chanted "Divorce him and be with Mary!"

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I just remembered a weird thing. I always insisted on playing male parts in my old school plays, and always went for any male role (especially Gabriel (the angel) or one of the three wise men) in my church's nativity. And then I think to this one science project in my new school we did last year where I insisted on being the "dad" of our made-up science-child in a group project where we studied genetics. And I'm slowly realizing that I probably should have noticed my whole…. apprehension to conforming to typical gender roles…. uh, sooner….. it felt funny when I was thinking about it, okay?

You had to do the science child lab too?! I'd switched to online school by then but my class had to as well!
Also cheers to a fellow wise man, I played one of the wise men every year at my church until I moved to a different town lol
I also was screwing around with my prop once (a glass ball filled with oil and gold flakes) and I dropped it and it broke….rip)

Rip indeed. But yeah, had to flip a coin on the genetics. It was annoying but I was able to draw out my science child, I was debating on being a rebel and making them nonbinary because…. I knew what that meant back then and still hadn't connected the dots? Either way, our child is biologically female but I headcanon them to be a demiboy, named him Ariel. They're a lovely Irish-Pakistani boyo who I later ended up using in a short story about first love and ghosts and unsolved murders.

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All gay children who have parents that don't accept them im your father now, Stay hydrated, get a decent sleep schedule, go outside once in a while! Even though I'm not the best person ill try to be the ideal dad

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So, a teacher died in a car accident today.
We had a theatre performance this morning.
I acted as drama dad for all the little sixth graders and gave out my candy supply to them.