forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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HAHAHAHAHAHANervous laughing

Lucky you. After i came out, it took me around 4 months to actually ask my parents what they thought about my sexuality, cuz they had had said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING
about it. And when i did, it went brilliantly with ma dad, he told me he accepted me entirely, that he was sorry he didnt talk about it earlier, and then proceeded in talking about his lesbian childhood friend, who’s married and has two adopted kids (and sends us a happy new year card every year)
But didnt go great with my mom (without realising it, she spurted out every single cringy “i don’t get people who like both genders” lines) for example: don’t you think that your partner would have less trust in you if you liked BoTh GenDErS. I must say. I practically laughed.
But im really happy i came out tho, it felt really good :p

I'm glad you had the courage to come out! I wish I could, but my parents are really religious and would most likely kick me out. So I guess I'll just live in the closet for the rest of my life. T_T

Oh dude, i guess my folks are quite religious too, but its not like we go to church everyday or anything (although i did once tell my mum i didnt believe in god, and she told me if i said that again she would send me to a nun house :’) ) but yh, i feel ya

Deleted user

I'm pretty much the church's worst nightmare.
A trans Pagan on the aromantic spectrum, with a punk taste in music and a general anarchist personality.

@The-Magician group

Silently waves white sage in the air
I found a group near me, but they only meet on the last thursday/friday of every month. Their next meet is Hallows Eve..

Deleted user

Ah, I need to find a group in my area that'll help a baby witch.

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Alright ya'll. I'm gonna tell you a story. A story of me coming out to my parents, 4 years ago, at 16 years old…
So, I had known for a while that I was bi, pan, I didn't know what there was. But I knew. I had been dating a girl named Amelia I'm happily married now and am in the process of adopting a child. We had been dating for about a year when she told her parents. Our parents knew each other, so I HAD to tell them, or risk them finding out from a second party. Amelia's parents were chill about it, and agreed not to mention it on the condition that I did immediately.
The next night:
So, we were sitting at the table, mum, dad, twin sis, little brother and I.
I say; "Guys, I have something to tell you. It's sort of important, so please hear the entire thing before commenting."
All of them agreed.
Me: "So, I am a thing called bi sexual." this earned mixed looks. "I've known for a while, about 2 years. Right now, I'm dating the Hanan's daughter, Amelia." From all the different looks I was receiving, I knew some shit was about to go down.
Little bro: "So, did you fu%# her?"
Me: "What? Uh, no." I had, and could tell they weren't convinced at all.
Twin: "Cool. That's fine, right mom? I mean, god wants us to accept everyone, right?"
Mom: Unreadable look at me "I suppose so Macy, but Aeriel, you should have told us you were in a relationship. Your not in trouble, but-"
At this point, father dearest was red
Dad: "You had sex with her. I can see it in your eyes. It's NOT okay. Not at all. You can't do this to us. I don't care if you'e "bisexual", or whatever, I won't have it."
Mom: "Daniel, Macy is right, we should at least-"
Dad: "At least nothing! I am not going to have a clear abomination in my house!. I-"
We like interrupting each other
Me: "Abomination?" I'm pissed right now and have a incredibly short fuse. My parents know this and can sense a coming explosion. "I'm an abomination to you. I'm your Fu%#ing daughter, not an abomination!"
Dad: "Watch your mouth! I'm not calling YOU an abomination, or Amelia. I'm calling the sex an abomination."
This went on for like, 2 hours. We argued, my sister actually tried to punch my dad when he finally snapped and called me a whore. My parents eventually split over this. Although, they also split because my dad had been hitting her. And, so children, the moral of the story is: Pick and choose carefuly the time and place for coming out.


aw, man dude, is that a dad thing??? to call their children abominations when they come out?
bc my dad did the same thing and when i cried he was like 'no not you, just what it is' but that made it worse???
like please just acknowledge that i am that, and that you called me a terrible name thanks-

oddly enough, i'd still consider myself christian tho. i grew up as one, and my sexuality doesn't really change it, so-
not only that, but unlike my parents, when i told my pastor he was really chill and sorta supportive even.
didn't call me an abomination, and said he'd have some words with my dad about calling me one.

also kota, i'm about to hunt your parents down bye-

Deleted user

Wait, sorry, is your name Macy becuase I just got a fucking feral instinct. That's my deadname.


sorry if that upset anyone I just got super mad about that like??? who gives a shit if you disagree??? that person is your KID you need to love and support them no matter what you piece of fuck


my school does this thing were we come up with a community issue and create an idea to help it
me and my other trans friend create the idea of a hormone ATM thing
its difficult to explain but I can go into detail if you are really that confused
its basically a cheaper and more accessible way to get transgender people hormones
welp when we were resurching we found the state we live in has the lowest amount of transgender people.
(we live in North Dakota)
and we are creating a prototype and we are going to continue working on this (our company is called T.E.A time and we call meetings Tea Parties)
But we weren't choosen but ya we also didn't write our names on the proposal so ya
Most people said it was a stupid idea and a high schooler helped us with the idea. What do you guys think is the idea really THAT stupid

@Elliott-isnt-dead! group

my school does this thing were we come up with a community issue and create an idea to help it
me and my other trans friend create the idea of a hormone ATM thing
its difficult to explain but I can go into detail if you are really that confused
its basically a cheaper and more accessible way to get transgender people hormones
welp when we were resurching we found the state we live in has the lowest amount of transgender people.
(we live in North Dakota)
and we are creating a prototype and we are going to continue working on this (our company is called T.E.A time and we call meetings Tea Parties)
But we weren't choosen but ya we also didn't write our names on the proposal so ya
Most people said it was a stupid idea and a high schooler helped us with the idea. What do you guys think is the idea really THAT stupid

I don't find that stupid. I just think that wouldn't be as easy or as possible as you would think. Hormones are pretty expensive but that comes with good reasoning, at least in my opinion. Plus, if you have a random hormones ATM out in the public, it could not only be used by people who don't even need hormones, it could also give people the advantage to waste valuable hormones. I also think it could also be even more expensive to have to pay for those ATMS to give cheap hormones. That's just my opinion though lol

@V01DtheFae group

i am glad for all y'all i still can't come out my sis would hate more say it's 'just a phase' and i want to slap her so hard because she doesn't understand


also kota, i'm about to hunt your parents down bye-

it's alright-
i'm indifferent to her neglect- it's something that's been going on since i was kid

your mother on the other hand-
i just-
i'm gunna fly over there and abduct you since i technically already adopted you-

i lov u mama kota (இ﹏இ`。)
i'll be best child and attack you with care so the neglect won't matter i swear-


So~~~ I'm about to go on a murder spree~~~ Parents who call their kids abominations~~~ can fucking ☆.。.:* die .。.:*☆

i was gonna make a really bad joke about this but i don't wanna get dark so let's not do that :D-

@The-Magician group

Honestly I don't understand why people just can't accept someone for being themselves.
Being trans, bi, ace, pan, non-binary, whatever you are, it makes you unique. The world would be a pretty shit place if everyone was the same.
I understand that for some people it is fear of the unknown, but that does not give them the right to judge and discriminate. No one has the right to judge another person for being different from themselves. And no fucking one has the right to tell you you're wrong for being yourself. Some parents need to grow the fuck up and realise that their children are beautiful no matter what. They're not changing just because they're having their breasts removed. They're still the exact same person as they always have been, they're just making sure everyone knows and sees their true colours.
So you kiss that guy/gal, cut your hair, have those unnecessary features removed and altered. Be true to yourself and no one else.