forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers

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thanks. I just, i feel like people aren’t going to take me seriously if I keep Changing. And I don’t even know if i’m into guys, you know? it’s just confusing and uUUUUGHHHHH

Deleted user

Hello and welcome back to me screaming into the void becuase my mother is not letting me go to a feild trip becuase she thinks that becuase I was sick yesterday!


This is just so wholesome, oh my god. I have to go to bed, talk to you guys tomorrow. Don't get yourselves into trouble now!

Hey, sorry I couldn't say hi! I'm Cloudy! Pan ace, and I love My Hero Academia and Fullmetal Alchemist, among other things! :)

@TeamMezzo group

This is just so wholesome, oh my god. I have to go to bed, talk to you guys tomorrow. Don't get yourselves into trouble now!

Hey, sorry I couldn't say hi! I'm Cloudy! Pan ace, and I love My Hero Academia and Fullmetal Alchemist, among other things! :)

hey cloudy! you sound like my spirit animal lol

@TeamMezzo group

Here's the plans!

so THIS is the gay agenda! I love it!

CharBar approves. Minor suggestion for world domination plan: May it include dogs as well?

May this include hamsters and other animal friends as well?

Lizarbs and birbs too!

It includes all animals! Even mythical creatures!

wait problem

i can't see the thing

im on a school chromebook

could someone pm me the whole thing so i can read it


[here it is]
Plans to take over the world:
(scroll down)

Snuggle with cats.

okay i'm down

Great! It applies to all animals.

@TeamMezzo group

[here it is]
Plans to take over the world:
(scroll down)

Snuggle with cats.

okay i'm down

Great! It applies to all animals.



This is just so wholesome, oh my god. I have to go to bed, talk to you guys tomorrow. Don't get yourselves into trouble now!

Hey, sorry I couldn't say hi! I'm Cloudy! Pan ace, and I love My Hero Academia and Fullmetal Alchemist, among other things! :)

hey cloudy! you sound like my spirit animal lol

Oof, did I quote to the wrong person? And I'm glad you can relate XD

Deleted user

dying I feel so sick. I might die but I’m going through the whole day, and I forgot I have physical therapy for my scoliosis. I’m absolutely screwed, but at least I get to leave school at 2:00.