forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


Yeah, I used to be like that too. I flew under everyone's gaydar, and a lot of people were pretty surprised when I came out apparently


Not even my two closest friends at the time knew lol. I asked if they thought I was even a little bit gay and they said "hell no" and I was like "haha well I'm very much gay and I just fell in love for the first time lmaoo"


my dad found my pride flag… he was ok with it but my mother is a Catholic who is also a republican and voted for Trump so… basically he told me he was fine with it but to watch out for my mom
i think im fucked if i ever bring a girl home


Why's that?

I don't think I've mentioned it before but I'm muslim and I wear a rida (look it up if you want)

I've never seen you mention that. But I don't assume people's sexualities based on their religion or dress


I haven't totally come out because I don't know what sexuality I am. I don't think I'm aromantic but I've never had a proper crush and I know I am in someway gay. I know I love the bracelet sadly the strings are pretty short so it's kind of falling apart slowly


my dad found my pride flag… he was ok with it but my mother is a Catholic who is also a republican and voted for Trump so… basically he told me he was fine with it but to watch out for my mom
i think im fucked if i ever bring a girl home

I'm in the same boat as you fam. my dad's homophobic but isn't offensive (at least he tries not to be) but my mom's a hardcore racist, homophobic trump fanatic so


Why's that?

I don't think I've mentioned it before but I'm muslim and I wear a rida (look it up if you want)

I've never seen you mention that. But I don't assume people's sexualities based on their religion or dress

Me either…