forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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my dad found my pride flag… he was ok with it but my mother is a Catholic who is also a republican and voted for Trump so… basically he told me he was fine with it but to watch out for my mom
i think im fucked if i ever bring a girl home

I'm in the same boat as you fam. my dad's homophobic but isn't offensive (at least he tries not to be) but my mom's a hardcore racist, homophobic trump fanatic so

that sucks dude im really sorry


my dad found my pride flag… he was ok with it but my mother is a Catholic who is also a republican and voted for Trump so… basically he told me he was fine with it but to watch out for my mom
i think im fucked if i ever bring a girl home

I'm in the same boat as you fam. my dad's homophobic but isn't offensive (at least he tries not to be) but my mom's a hardcore racist, homophobic trump fanatic so

My mom isn't allowed in my house because she's a racist, homophobic ass…


I haven't totally come out because I don't know what sexuality I am. I don't think I'm aromantic but I've never had a proper crush and I know I am in someway gay. I know I love the bracelet sadly the strings are pretty short so it's kind of falling apart slowly

idk what sexuality I am either, but recently I've discovered that some guys are actually kinda cute. But I've never had a real sexual desire for either gender and I've always been perfectly happy in strictly romantic relationships so I think I'm some form of ace?
yay I just came out as ace to a large group of people for the first time


yeah like everyone in my family is an asshole when it comes to homophobia, and most of them are racist jerks. it's almost like I became a better person than them out of spite ! (sarcasm)


my dad found my pride flag… he was ok with it but my mother is a Catholic who is also a republican and voted for Trump so… basically he told me he was fine with it but to watch out for my mom
i think im fucked if i ever bring a girl home

I'm in the same boat as you fam. my dad's homophobic but isn't offensive (at least he tries not to be) but my mom's a hardcore racist, homophobic trump fanatic so

My mom isn't allowed in my house because she's a racist, homophobic ass…

god i wish but im a minor so im still living with my parents…
…at least i can count on my dad (probably) never telling my mom (theyre divorced so they dont talk much)


Yay! Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm ace, I've actually never dated anyone

same! i have a crush on this one girl but ive never found sex appealing
im a little scared that im just a late bloomer because i live in a pretty liberal area and ive already come out to a lot of people so i dont want to go back on it you know??? but like… ugh people


yeah like everyone in my family is an asshole when it comes to homophobia, and most of them are racist jerks. it's almost like I became a better person than them out of spite ! (sarcasm)

Even my the politically incorrect ones in my family shut up when I'm around because they known they'll get punched just like anyone else…


Yay! Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm ace, I've actually never dated anyone

I have and I'm like… 90% sure I'm ace. But I'm young so that could change idk


im hella excited for school to start again because my school's QSA is starting up on the 7th of January and im so fucking ready to just be gay with other people yk


im hella excited for school to start again because my school's QSA is starting up on the 7th of January and im so fucking ready to just be gay with other people yk

Yay! Go you, sweetie!


I feel like even if it changes later in life and you end up wanting sex it doesn't really matter? Like if currently you have 0 desire for sex and havent had the desire for sex your still ace even if it changes later? I don't know that's my thoughts on it because you never know how your going to feel in the future


Yeah, that's true… I'm just afraid people will judge me if I identify as ace now and it changes in the future, like they'll feel like I lied to them. There's also the problem of asexuality being a broad term.

@Becfromthedead group

Idk exactly what my sexuality is either, but honestly I'm okay with that. It's just like… I've already found someone I love enough to stay with forever, so why even bother? I know I'm some form of demisexual/romantic, but while I know you usually label yourself demi-pan or demi-bi, or by whatever sexuality you are, idk what mine is… I think girls are good, but I'm not sure if it's purely aesthetic attraction. Would I kiss a girl if I weren't in a relationship? Probably. Same thing extends to other genders. I also have just thought about other situations. Like if the love of my life were to come out as transgender, or just generally not cis, I'm pretty sure I would stick around because I'm attached to the person and not what gender they are.
Literally the main reasons for me to stick with men are 1. I kind of want my own biological kids with the person I love and 2. My family is homophobic (but joke's on me, because they don't know I'm engaged and wouldn't approve whether my SO was a man or a woman, or any other gender)


Yeah, that's true… I'm just afraid people will judge me if I identify as ace now and it changes in the future, like they'll feel like I lied to them. There's also the problem of asexuality being a broad term.

Who cares what others think? You wouldn't be hurting anyone?
The only ones that need to get tsught a lesson are the people who spread ignorance and hate. They should keep their mouths shut.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, that's true… I'm just afraid people will judge me if I identify as ace now and it changes in the future, like they'll feel like I lied to them. There's also the problem of asexuality being a broad term.

No one worth spending your time with will judge you. My best friend said she was ace after getting out of a relationship with a guy… The following year, she figured out she was a lesbian. Sometimes people think they're ace until they have a realization that they're not. Sometimes people actually are ace. And sometimes sexuality can be somewhat fluid (which is why we have a whole ace spectrum.)


Yeah, that's true… I'm just afraid people will judge me if I identify as ace now and it changes in the future, like they'll feel like I lied to them. There's also the problem of asexuality being a broad term.

No one worth spending your time with will judge you. My best friend said she was ace after getting out of a relationship with a guy… The following year, she figured out she was a lesbian. Sometimes people think they're ace until they have a realization that they're not. Sometimes people actually are ace. And sometimes sexuality can be somewhat fluid (which is why we have a whole ace spectrum.)

Yeah… I guess it doesn't really matter how I identify right now though. I don't even want a relationship until I move out of my parents house, so I don't really have much to worry about.