forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


stages of grief???? youre literally going to abandon your child like that and make it about you you fucking asshole?????????? BITCHHHHHHHH


and literally why do they have to make it so dramatic?
"Judy was completely devastated. "I screamed, I ranted, I cried. I felt like I was bleeding deep inside, and there was no way to stop the gaping wound in my soul.""

Fuck off, Judy. Let your son be happy you ignorant bitch, this isn't about you.


every word of reading that was like a physical punch to the brain and oh my god I wanted to bash my head into a brick wall



and literally why do they have to make it so dramatic?
"Judy was completely devastated. "I screamed, I ranted, I cried. I felt like I was bleeding deep inside, and there was no way to stop the gaping wound in my soul.""

Fuck off, Judy. Let your son be happy you ignorant bitch, this isn't about you.

i know??? like bitch sit the fuck down and go stab ur eye out or smth if you want attention that bad jesus fucking christ


im so god damn angry
im so fucking angry
why are people like this
fuckinf "stages of grief" like their fucking mourning for their "dead child"??? bitch theyre not dead you just abandoned them when they needed you the most WHAT DOES GOD THINK OF YOU NOW YOU FUCKING BASTARD HUH


ikr???? And that one bitch's son left for 11 gODDAMN YEARS WHAT THE F U C K

right?? like what kind of mother hates her son so much that he feels he need to do that


like I was "raised" Christian, and honestly? I'm super accepting of religion and differences in beliefs, but this sort of toxic shit can't fly. like I consider myself a deist and the church I'm dragged to I'm realizing is a good example of this sort of thing. they're casually racist, act as if things as simple as wanting normal things like relationships is something to act like someone's dying over, and I have to keep myself from snapping at people for this shit. you're not going through stages of grief because your child is gay, you're trying to justify your fragile control fueled by toxicity and manipulation


Out of all the homophobic things I’ve read, that was rather accepting. For some parents, it is that hard. Something my mom explained to me when I came out, is that they have this whole plan set out for us, all these hopes and dreams from the moment we were born. One of those dreams was seeing us get married and have kids. So it’s a big change for them, it may seem hard for us to see but we mean everything to them. And accepting us as who we are is the best thing they may be able to do for us. Especially for people of religion, that’s what my pastor said actually. “People of the LGBT community will always be welcome in this church, but I can’t approve of your actions because that’s part of my faith. However, I will still love you as children of God.” Or something like that, unfortunately that may be the best we can get. But it’s better than being beaten, or publicly shamed, or kicked out. This may be hard to understand, but that’s what I think. However, I don’t approve of any form of homophobia.

@confessions of a serial Roleplayer who may not be super active this week but I'll try

Out of all the homophobic things I’ve read, that was rather accepting. For some parents, it is that hard. Something my mom explained to me when I came out, is that they have this whole plan set out for us, all these hopes and dreams from the moment we were born. One of those dreams was seeing us get married and have kids. So it’s a big change for them, it may seem hard for us to see but we mean everything to them. And accepting us as who we are is the best thing they may be able to do for us. Especially for people of religion, that’s what my pastor said actually. “People of the LGBT community will always be welcome in this church, but I can’t approve of your actions because that’s part of my faith. However, I will still love you as children of God.” Or something like that, unfortunately that may be the best we can get. But it’s better than being beaten, or publicly shamed, or kicked out. This may be hard to understand, but that’s what I think. However, I don’t approve of any form of homophobia.

Sorry if I came off as rude, but I think i get what you're saying. My parents were very accepting, so I don't really have experience with this. I am also an atheist, so I have no experience with faith. I see how it might be hard for some parents, but homophobia is never okay.

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Everyone can just call me Youngblood, which is obviously not my name, it's because of a band. I'm lesbian and out to everyone except my family. I like "emo" music, drawing, writing and just talking. I'm usually pretty lonely, so yeah, if someone wants to talk to me please do!

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Ok, thanks. I have no clue, the sky I guess? How about you?